I'll Always Be There

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"Come on, Rosie. It's not gonna be that bad. You won't even feel anything."

"Easy for you to say. No one is gonna cut open your mouth and take your teeth."

"First of all, that's an over exaggeration and you know it." Jennie said, trying to reason with a very hostile Chaeyoung.

"Second, they're not gonna cut open your mouth. It's really a very simple procedure. You saw that video, didn't you? And they're only gonna take literally one single tooth."

Rosé pouted her lips and crossed her arms like a stubborn child. She knew everything Jennie was saying was correct but the thought of a bunch of strangers having their fingers in her mouth while she was unconscious just didn't sit well with her.

"Well, that doesn't make it any less horrifying. I mean, who does this anyway?" Rosé said indignantly.

"Literally everyone, Chaeyoung."

"I still don't wanna do it."

"You have no choice but to do it." Jennie said, crossing her arms and staring Rosé down.

They continued having a silent staring contest, trying to get the other to relent.

Finally, after about two minutes, Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air in a defeated gesture.

"Fiiine. I'll do it. I'll get my stupid wisdom tooth removed. But only if you promise to come with me." Rosé said pleadingly, willing Jennie to say yes by giving her very intense puppy eyes.

Jennie had already been planning to go with her anyway but it was fun watching Chaeyoung beg so she decided to play hard to get.

"Ahh I don't know, Rosie. I have a lot of work today...." Jennie said, pretending to think very hard about it. She glimpsed at Chaeyoung from the corner of eyes and saw the defeated and sad expression on her face. Jennie smiled softly at that and decided to cut her some slack.

"But I guess I can go, if we hurry that is." Jennie finished.

"Really?!?!? I'm gonna go get ready right now. Please wait right here!" And with that, Rosé went to prepare herself to get her wisdom tooth removed.

"Dork." Jennie mumbled, shaking her head.


"Are you sure it won't hurt?" Chaeyoung asked for the umpteenth time.

"Roseanne Park, if you ask me that one more time, I will personally make sure they make this simple procedure as painful as possible for you. So shhh." Jennie said, practically dragging Chaeyoung into the dentist's office.

"Hello. We're here for the 3 o clock appointment." Jennie said sweetly to the receptionist, as if she hadn't practically threatened to torture someone less than a minute ago.

"Right this way, ma'am."

Chaeyoung had a death grip on Jennie's arm and it seemed she had no plans on letting to because it seemed to be getting tighter the closer they got to the procedure room.

"Listen, hey. It's gonna be alright. It'll be over before you know it. And I'll be right outside the whole time, okay?" Jennie said softly.

Chaeyoung reluctantly let go of Jennie's arm when they arrived at the room. She still looked quite unsure so Jennie held her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Promise you'll be there when I come out."

"I'll always be there."


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