Rose Petals

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au where rose petals appear on random and strange places around you when you're in love until you confess. But only you can see them.


"Have you heard about the new girl?"

"I heard she's a foreigner."

"Is it true that she beat 700 contestants?"

"I caught a glimpse of her earlier and she's so beautiful!"

Word about the newest trainee had spread like wildfire because it was uncommon for foreign trainees to be accepted into the company.

Jennie didn't participate in any of the gossip. To her, it was just another person she would either befriend or would have no interaction with whatsoever. Jennie never liked thinking about the future much. She just thought about the present and everything she had to do at this moment. That's how she manages to go through every single day without having mental breakdowns.

She was eating in the cafeteria with Lisa and Jisoo when one of the managers called for her.

"Oh no. I hope you're not in trouble." Lisa said worriedly.

"I haven't done anything to get in trouble for." Jennie said while standing up.

She went towards the manager who was waiting outside the cafeteria.

"Jennie. I'm sure you have heard about the new trainee by now." The manager said, getting right down to business.

"Yup. Everyone's been talking about her non stop." Jennie replied.

"Well she's a foreigner and she doesn't know a lot of Korean, so I want you to be a mentor of sorts to her. Make sure she gets around fine."

Jennie sighed and rubbed her temples. This was the last thing she needed right now. Someone to maintain and keep an eye on. But since the manager asked this of her, she couldn't say no.

"Alright. Fine. Where is she, anyway?" Jennie asked.

"She's meeting with the CEO right now. She should be at the dorm soon."

"Okay then. I'll take care of her." Jennie reassured before going back to her friends.

"What happened? What'd she say?" Jisoo asked immediately, before Jennie could even sit down.

"Nothing. Just to make sure the new girl settles in okay." Jennie answered.

"Oh, I see. Are you okay with that?" Jisoo said.

"Well, yeah I guess. How hard can it be. I hope she isn't that high maintenance though. That'd be annoying. We don't want another Lisa." Jennie said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Yah!! I'm improving, aren't I? Aren't I, Jisoo unnie??" Lisa asked, pouting.

"Sure, Lisa. Whatever floats your boat."

"Huh? What does that mean?"


After eating, they all went back to their dorm and as expected, a fairly tall girl with straight black hair was standing uncertainly in the middle of the living room, as if unsure what to do with herself.

"Hello! I'm Jisoo. You must be the new girl, correct?" Jisoo said, being the outgoing girl she was.

The girl turned around and Jennie had to do a double take because holy shit she was absolutely gorgeous.

She had a guitar strung around her back and she looked quite nervous and out of her comfort zone in the new place.

"Hello. My name is Roseanne Park but my korean name is Park Chaeyoung. You can call me whatever you like." She said, shyly.

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