Painted In Your Colours

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So let me tell you about Park Chaeyoung alias Roseanne Park aka Rosé or Rosie. The love of my life.

The first time I saw her wasn't a particularly special or dramatic experience. Honestly? If it was anyone other than her, I most probably wouldn't have given the incident a second thought. But there were a few things that stood out, and the overall effect caused me to become obsessed with this girl forever.

Here's how we met.

I was on the bus. She came in, clad with her paint stained bag and fiery red hair and sat down next to me. She had a paintbrush tucked behind her ear and I wondered if it ever fell down.

Now, some people might think that this already seemed like a memorable incident. What with her weird get up and all?

It wasn't.

I go to art school. My eyes have had the pleasure ((or burden)) of witnessing the personalities of almost every single one of my schoolmate's through their outward appearance. And they were not conservative people at all.

So her appearance did not bother me or stand out to me in any way. No. It wasn't her looks that interested me ((although she's definitely someone I'd spare a second glance at if ever seen randomly on the street))

It was her attitude that intrigued me. She seemed..... peculiar.

The first thing she did when she sat down next to me was beam at me with a thousand watt smile.

This was the first thing.

You see, people usually don't do that. Smile at strangers? Yeah, definitely. Absolutely beam at them like they're your favourite person in the whole wide world? No. No, that was not normal.

So I was obviously taken aback and obviously awkward as I managed a measly half smile at her.

She seemed satisfied though.

I think.

I could never tell with Rosie, even at the very beginning.

I faced forward, ready to immerse myself in the soft music playing from my headsets.

I managed to do just that until the third stop when this old lady came on and since there were no seats left, Rosie immediately offered hers to the lady.

This was the second thing.

Not because she offered her seat. Anybody could've done that without hesitation. It was the way she was standing even before the old lady could properly pay for her ticket, meaning she took the initiative and checked whether there was a seat, saving the lady the trouble of doing that herself and then other people realizing.

I mean, who does that? Who does this girl think she is? How dare she make my heart flutter while I didn't even know her name.

The old lady thanked Rosie as she sat down and she flashed the lady the same smile she gave me.

And no, this did not, in any way, make me jealous. Not at all. It's not like I was anyone special that this beautiful stranger would smile at so brightly. She did it to everyone.


Anyway, the lady thanked her and guess what Rosie did? That's right. She struck up a conversation with the lady. Like some kinda social worker. Except she wasn't. She was just a random art student going about her day, casually being the most perfect person to ever exist.

No biggie.

She talked with the old lady as if they've known each other their whole life. She asked about her day and talked about her own day and about her school ((that's how I found out we went to the same art school. What? No, I wasn't eavesdropping, what are you talking about?)) and everything she did at school.

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