Eyes, Ink and The Moon pt.3

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'She is so gonna fall in love with me by the end of this night.' was the thought running around Jennie's head as she thought about all the things she had planned for the night.

Although Rosé and Jennie were soulmates, they have never explicitly told each other that they loved the other. There had previously been tiny, spur of the moment declarations of love when Jennie bought Rosé food or when Rosé let Jennie copy her homework but that didn't count since those were more platonic than anything else. Which was why Jennie was hell bent on making this the perfect date, leaving Chaeyoung no other choice but to say the three magic words and mean them fully this time.

Jennie was standing outside Chaeyoung's house, leaning against the mailbox as she sent a text to Chaeyoung asking her to come out. An almost immediate reply came, the inevitable "already have" response made Jennie roll her eyes with a fond smile on her face.

The special thing about this date was that Jennie was the one leading it, unlike the other times when Chaeyoung usually took the lead. This was one of the reason why Jennie called Chaeyoung her 'hubby' affectionately. And so naturally, Chaeyoung called her 'wifey'.

Jennie heard a door open and out came Chaeyoung in all her glory, adorning a navy blue sundress with tiny white spots and black jeans. She looked as ethereal as the night sky on a cloudless day. Jennie's breath hitched just a bit at the sight because Chaeyoung rarely ever wore dresses. She beamed at her and received an equally bright grin back.

"Hey there, hot stuff." Jennie winked and made a show of looking her up and down. This made Chaeyoung chuckle and a pink tint appear on her cheeks.

"Hello to you too, perv. Stop staring at me like that." Chaeyoung said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Perv?! How dare you! Can't I appreciate the beauty that is my own girlfriend?" Jennie said, dramatically placing a hand on her heart.

"Whatever, dork." Chaeyoung said, finally closing the distance between them.

The thing about Rosé and Jennie was that neither was overly fond of physical contact. The most PDA they ever did was hand-holding and the occasional hug.

Which was why Chaeyoung was a bit taken aback when Jennie linked one of her hands with Chaeyoung's and proceeded to give her a one-armed hug. It took a couple of moments but Chaeyoung's free arm eventually wrapped around Jennie's waist.

Jennie smiled into the hug because Rosé's hair smelled like some kinda fruit she didnt know the name of and she held on a bit longer than normal just because she could. When they finally parted, Rosé looked at Jennie with an eyebrow raised and Jennie just kissed her cheek and lead her towards the car waiting for them.

Since neither of them were old enough to drive, Jennie hired a taxi for the night. She had already instructed the driver about the places she needed to go to and so they went. Hands still linked, Chaeyoung sent Jennie an anticipatory smile and Jennie gave her hand a little squeeze.


The first stop was the most famous restaurant in town. They didn't often frequent there but when they did, they've left utterly full and satisfied. However, Chaeyoung was surprised when Jennie only asked for the take out food ordered under her name and then proceeded to drag Chaeyoung out again, managing to hold her hand and the bag with food in it at the same time.

Rosé tried to ask her multiple times where they were going but Jennie was intent on surprising her. Jennie eventually managed to distract Rosé's attention on their date destination by talking about how cute Lisa and Jisoo would look together. Jisoo knows Lisa is her soulmate but Lisa doesn't. The reason being that the first time they met, Lisa was drunk out of her mind and did not remember even talking to Jisoo. Only the fact that Jisoo helped her out while she was barfing her intestines out and then drove her home afterwards.

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