Part Two

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When I got to my next hour I immediately when to talk to David, he was another one of my really good friends, and I could pretty much tell him anything and everything. I met the year before because he was in three of my classes. Kind of sucks that this year we only have one together, but at least it wasn’t none.

He didn’t really think much of what I said. He just acted like it was normal. That’s kind of what I liked about him. He was not a judgmental person, and was always very easy to talk to. I wished my other friends were like him.

About two minutes later Iliana walked in the door. I hated how she was always late and kind of wished she would get there earlier. Not that it mattered. Our teacher never took attendance until ten minutes into the hour so she couldn’t be marked late.

“Why don’t you go talk to her?” David asked, giving me his typical stop-being-so-shy look.

I rolled my eyes.

“I tell you this all the time,” I said. “As much as I want to, I’m too afraid. What if she doesn’t really like talking to me? I think she’d rather talk to everyone else. I probably annoy her or something.”

“She just met me this year and she talks to me. You were in the same class for 3 years, you have a lot in common. Why would she not want to talk to you?”

“I don’t know… I’m just paranoid I guess. I tend to think I’m always getting on people’s nerves… especially hers. There’s just something about her that’s so…so intimidating I guess.”

I was going to keep talking until our teacher told us we were going to start playing, so I figured I’d go sit down.

I didn’t have a part for the song we were playing, so instead of going back to the rest of my section, I took a seat on the steps in front of the door to the band room. I loved sitting there almost as much as I loved playing. It made me closer to the front of the room, and that meant that I could hear the other instruments so much better than I could if I were sitting over in the percussion section. Since I want to major in something music related and maybe wanting to be a teacher, I loved listening to our band play.

As I was sitting there I looked around the room taking in all the things people were doing while our teacher wasn‘t looking. 

Kids were on their phones when they had long enough rests. Kids were talking to their friends, or staring at crushes. Some of them even pulled out homework. I think maybe I was one of the only people in that class that was there because I cared, I wanted to play, and I loved music. So why is it that I always got stuck sitting off to the side doing nothing?

The hour was extremely boring. I can’t really say much happened. I wanted to talk to someone so bad, but I never talk to the other kids in my section. Most of them are older, some of them are preppy, and some of them are just plain jerks.

After class I sat there for a while thinking, and one of my friends, her name was Amanda, walked in and sat down next to me.

“So, what happened today?” she asked.

I sighed and looked over at her.

“Nothing,” I answered. “Absolutely nothing.”

“You don’t look happy, something must have happened.”

“Just the same thing that’s been bugging me the whole year, last year, and pretty much most of this year. You know how much I wish I wasn’t shy?”

“Oh… I see.”

When I got up and left the band room Amanda went back to sitting at a table with her friends while I went to put my stuff in my locker. I then went to find Ashleigh so we could sit in the art room for lunch. We’ve been sitting there ever since the table we usually sat at started getting crowded with weird people that neither one of us liked. Who said they could sit there anyway?

We didn’t talk much the whole lunch period. She could probably tell I was in a bad mood and didn’t want to say anything that might upset me. I didn’t mind. I needed the time to sit and think about a lot of stuff. It was just kind of awkward. If there’s one thing I really hated it was that she had the tendency to just watch me when she’s not eating or doing anything else. I wanted to tell her that, but I didn’t want to sound paranoid or something.

At the end of the day during 6th hour I finally realized that I would have tutoring that day. I was kind of really bad at math so I need someone to help me out. I never liked tutoring though. It took too long and it was always so frustrating. A waste of my time.

When I got home I went and sat in my room until my tutor got there. She was nice, and one of my mom’s friends. She was also good at explaining things. Maybe if my teachers were more like her I wouldn’t suck at math so much in the first place and then I wouldn’t need a tutor.

When we were done tutoring she stayed and talked to my mom for a while, and after she left my mom complained that the room smelled like perfume all of a sudden. She said that Jen, my tutor, always wore too much, but while I was standing there I suddenly smelled it too, and told her Jen’s was different.

She said it wasn’t that bad and then let it go saying she didn’t care anyway, but I don’t know how she could say that… it seemed unbearably strong to me… and familiar.

Later when we were talking about it again, because my sister and my dad got home and noticed it too, I told them how it seemed really strong to me, and familiar, my mom looked at me and said that maybe it’s a ghost. Maybe whoever it is, is watching out for me, like my grandma that died or something, and that’s why I would recognize it, but I knew she was wrong. One, I was too young to really remember my grandma. Two, it wasn’t familiar because it was someone in my family who died. It was someone who was still alive, someone I knew.

That night I decided to go sit on my computer and look for pictures to put on Myspace. I haven’t updated them in a while, and I figured now would be a good time.

As I looked through the pictures I realized something. There are always these little white dots by me and no one else. Those ones me and my friends used to say were ghosts because they were kind of see though and white. That made me wonder if something really was following me.

I decided that the next day at school, I would talk to Rachel about it. She was the one that first started calling them ghosts.

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