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For so many years I had grown so much animosity toward my brother because I truly felt like I wasn't good enough, like if I did something Jameson always did it better, turns out all these years he felt the reverse, and saw me as the better of the two of us.

In the end we knew we were both good, an we were both blessed with the lives we had and all that we had accomplished.

My wolf and I were glad that we did come, (as I hd seriously debated with myself on if I should bother bringing my mate into this drama.

"I better go find my Mate." I smirked.

"Hey congrats on your mate man...She seems really special."

I nodded, "She is."

"You planning on a real future with hers anytime soon?"

I shrugged I knew he meant marriage. "We're in no rush...She's my mate, I'm hers...doesn't get any realer than that for us...right now we're focusing on our relationship and our careers...starting up our lives." I sounded.

He nodded.

"I really want her to finish school, and not just like what's required....but I want her to know she can go on and further her education if she wanted to...and She supports me opening up that garage, right now we have an apartment and one day we'll have a house...maybe once we're all settled and living together and we get to that boring sort of complacency then maybe we'll shake things up with marriage and kids...but right now more than anything we're just enjoying being with one another."

"I respect that." He smirked.

I smiled, I knew I didn't need his approval but it was still nice to know that he respected what I was doing.

"I think I saw her make her way outside...Charlie's back there."

I smiled and nodded before f=getting up to make my way back outside.



I found a little girl outside, she had the same red curls I had loved so much on my own mate.

"Hello." I sounded as I approached the little girl.

"Hi" she said hardly looking up at me as she continued to paint her picture.

"Do you mind if I join you?" I asked.

She looked up at me. "Who are you?"

"Raven...who are you?" I s=asked cooly.

"Charlene Verlander." She stated matter of factly.

"Charlene...maybe you know about this really cool and fun little girl that my boyfriend told me all about?" I asked.

"What's her name...I have a lot of friends." 

I smiled, She spoke so decidedly it was easy to forget that she was only like 6 "Charlie...She's suppose to be the flower girl in Jameson and Vanessa's wedding."

She smiled wide, "Hey that's."

"It's nice to meet you Charlie." I said holding out my hand to hers and she shook it.

"Nessa said I'm doing really good with the flowers." She pointed out.

"I don't doubt that, it's a big job but I know you'll do fine." I said with a permanent smile.

"Hey...did you steal my Mate?" Ryland asked playfully as he walked out of the double doors.

"Ryland." Charlie jumped up and ran over to him. She held her arms out and jumped up, he easily lifted her and she hugged his neck with her small little arms.

He kissed her cheek lightly, "Missed you shrimp."

She smiled, "I missed you too...Mommy said you have a new job and you have to live somewhere else."

"I do." He said a little sadly.

My heart broke a little, I didn't like seeing all that he had to leave behind in order to become the Beta.

"But I hear you get to live here in town with Jameson and Vanessa and all of our cousins."

She smiled again and nodded excitedly. " I have a new teacher, and go to a big kid school now."

"That's great Charlie...I see you met Raven."

"Yes, we're friends now." Charlie said as Ryland put her down.

"Do you know Raven and I are friends too...she's my girlfriend." He whispered. "Isn't she pretty?"

Charlie giggled and nodded and I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you hold her hand?" Charlie asked. "Boyfriends always hold your hand."

I laughed a little and Ryland nodded his head, "Yeah I like to hold her hand a lot." He said as he took a seat next to me and did in fact take my hand in his.

She took her former seat and asked us if we'd like to paint with her, e both declined but stayed and listened to her chat on about various things from her friends in her class to her dress for the wedding until Cassidy came over and told us the food would be ready soon, if we'd like to get freshened up from our flight.

Ryland and I were shown to a room, and I was glad to know I'd be be to stay with him during our stay.

I showered in the connected restroom and Ryland used another guest restroom...afterward I got dressed into a dress I knew was one of Rylands favorites and didn't do too much in the way of hair and make-up (as I just really didn't want to fuss with it too much) before Ryland rejoined me in the bedroom.

he walked over and hugged me from behind as I was looking myself over in the mirror one last time.

He kissed my shoulder, dangerously close to my mark. 

"You look beautiful." He sounded before he kissed me again in the exact same spot.

"Down boy." I smirked, know it was his wolf who was being naughty.

"We've got some time to kill." He licked his lips seductively and smirked.

I rolled my eyes, of course my mate is handsome and tempting as hell...but I knew we could not get carried away while we were here. "We've also got a house full of Weres who will hear exactly what's taking us so long to come down to dinner."

He pouted and I turned to kiss him.

"How about I promise to dedicate a full day for our wolves when we get home."

His eyes darkened a little, "Don't promise me if you don't intend to keep it."

"I have every intention of keeping this promise...but first, we have a weekend and a wedding to survive."

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