The Beast

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Lance's P.O.V.

Its been almost a month since I last talked to Keith. Let alone seen him. Since I last saw him I haven't been able to stop thinking about what I saw.

Flashback One Month

We are all training in the training room when we hear Allura's voice on the intercom. "Paladains this is an emergency Kolavain's ship is making an emergency landing at the castle of lions."

As soon as she says that my heart stops. Dropping my bayard I race down to the bay hanger with everyone else right behind me. When I get there I got to a skidding stop when I see Kolivan and Regris helping an injured Keith off of the ship. Blood is dripping onto to the floor from the nasty wound on his shoulder. Being barely conscious his eyes meet mine as we take him to where the healing pods are. But as soon as we start trying to put him in the healing pod he starts panicking. Struggling against us as he growls. "No no no! No healing pod!"

"Keith you have a nasty wound to your shoulder and you're losing a lot of blood you need the pod."

Meeting Allura's eyes breathing heavily he growls baring his teeth that now look more like fangs. "I said No healing pod."

His eyes turn from Allura to Shiro then to Regris before holding it with Kolivan. Kolivan's eyes soften under Keith's steady graze. That seems to tell him something only Kolivan seems to understand. "Alright no healing pod."

"What, but he is injured and by the looks of it he has lost a lot of blood."

Pidge glares at Kolivan not agreeing with his decision. Not to say that I agree with his decision either. Keith looks deathly pale and how he is still awake is a mystery to me. Laying Keith on the exam table to start tending to his wounds. Allura is about to stop removing his Marmora armor when Kolivan stops her. His eyes flash to Hunk, Pidge, and myself.

Looking down at Keith she seems to understand what he means. Pulling her hands away from Keith's armor she looks at the both of us. "Hunk, Pidge, Lance can you wait outside while we stitch his wound."

I want to argue, but I decide against it for Keith's sake.

Allura's P.O.V.

When Hunk Pidge and a very reluctant worried Lance leave Shoro starts working on removing Keith's armor with Kolivan's help. While I start tending to the cuts to his face. When they remove the armor over the long grey shirt Shiro freezes. While Kolivan removes the long grey shirt.

Looking over at Shiro I follow his graze to see what he what made him freeze. But when I see what he is looking at I freeze as well. Wrapped around his waist is a long black sleek furry tail. Along with the sight of even more furry purple splotches covering his body. Most of his torso now covered in purple galra skin then human flesh. Even though I hate galras there is no way I could hate Keith. I am worried though how this change will affect Keith.

Stitching the wound on his shoulder shut I notice the edges of the would turning the same galra color as the rest of the skin on his torso. Finishing closing his would I cover it with a bandage. Regris hands Kolivan new Marmora armor to put on Keith. As he puts the new armor on a now unconscious Keith I notice something. The normally strict marmora galra is being gentle and protective over Keith. Almost caring like a parent over a child. Wrapping Keith in a nice warm blanket he picks Keith up in his arms.

Lance's P.O.V.

Sitting on the sofa I tapped my foot against the ground as I wait be able to see Keith again. When I see Kolivan enter the room with Keith wrapped up in a purple blanket. Walking over to me he stops in front of me. "I need you to watch over Keith for me. Can you do that?"

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