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I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry *bowing* I know I haven't published in forever when I said I was going to publish a new chapter so I'm sorry guys please forgive me T-T.

Keith's P.O.V.

Opening my eyes I smile when I see Lance curled up in my arms asleep. As we had ended up dozing off. Gently I stroke his hair not wanting to wake my sleeping mate. My tail wags happily behind me as I feel him lean into my touch. Kissing the top of his head I carefully slip off the bed.

Heading to the bathroom I glance at a sleeping Lance one last time before I close the door. Walking up to the mirror I look at myself. Looking at myself I raise my hand to my face.

My hand trailing over my now purple fur. It having been nineteen years since I have seen my true self. Yurak son of Kolivan, Thace, Ulaz, and Antok. Prince and rightful heir to the Galra empire. Running a hand through my hair I let out a heavy sigh. Kind of preferring the simple life of Keith over the complicated life of Yurak. Though being Yurak again does have its perks.

For one I'm tall again. But mainly Yurak had the confidence to do something Keith never could. Which is kiss Lance and confess my love. At the thought of that I cant help, but smirk slightly. Hearing a barely audible knock on my door my ears perk up. I leave the bathroom and head to my door. Frowning when it slides open revealing that no one is there.

Looking around my ears and tail perk curiously when I see a medium sized box at my door. Squatting down I pick it up with ease closing the door behind me. Setting it on my desk I open it to find clothes in it. As the clothes I am currently wearing barely fit. Going through the box I realize that these are my old clothes.

Taking out a set of clothes I decide to head back to the bathroom for a shower. Locking the door out of habit I strip off my clothes. Pausing when I am only in my pants. Looking in the mirror I gently touch were the wounds from the beast that killed Regris were. The healing pod having only left me with the scars. My ears press against my head as I remember the memories I had with him as Yurak.

Shaking my head I snort at myself. Turning on the water I strip of the rest of my clothes as it warms up. Once the temperature is just right I get in. Stepping under the spray I cant help, but purr. As I enjoy the warm spray as my body still aches a bit from the battle. Washing my fur thoroughly  I eventually get out. Shaking the water from my fur like a dog before I grab a towel. Using the towel to dry myself fully.

Grabbing my clothes I quickly slip them on. Wiping the steam from the mirror I look at myself. Running a hand through my hair I decide to braid it. Braiding only the back like how Kolivan has his. Except mine isn't as long as his as it cant even rest over my shoulder. Satisfied with my appearance now I clean up the bathroom before coming out.

Seeing Lance still asleep I cant help, but smile. As my tail flickers happily behind me. Walking over to him I kneel down. Running my hand through his hair I kiss the top of his head. "Lance come on time to wake up you must be starving."

Groaning Lance yawns as he opens his eyes. Smiling softly when he sees me. "How long have you been up?"

"Not long come on lets go get some food."

Letting out another yawn he nods as he gets up stretching as he does. Watching him my smile grows as i kiss his lips. He lets out a surprised yelp before he melts into the kiss.

Lance's P.O.V.

Stirring I open my eyes when I hear Keith's voice. Letting out a groan I yawn smiling when I see see Keith in front of me. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long come on lets go get some food."

Letting out another yawn I nod in agreement as I am famished. Sitting up I stretch when all of as sudden I feel Keith's lips on mine. I end up letting out a small yelp when I feel his arms wrap around my waist pulling me against him.

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