Chapter 6

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Thunder cracked across the sky as I spar with some elites, the Director hadn't come for me for months so I had to keep myself up to date with training. I hated having to train with elites but they were the only things that would even take me on, I threw a punch hitting an elite square across the face and it fell back into the mud. I rubbed my wrist seeing all my opponents getting to their feet, out of the corner of my eyes I noticed Master Chief watching me. I waved off the elites who walked away muttering to themselves, I walked over to Chief as the rain began to fall again.
"You're improving, maybe try centring your weight instead of throwing it around, you might find it helps when it comes to getting more hits in," Chief suggested walking away, I stared after him as he walked away. I don't know why but every time I went to train he would always watch me, I shrugged it off and went to go dry off as the rain got heavier. Chief had slowly started talking to me but otherwise we ignored each other, Kelly ignored me all the time so she wasn't a problem for me. Once inside my own tent which I was thankful for the fact all the tents were water proof I took off my helmet and sat it on my bed, every time I was alone I thought about why the Director hadn't sent anyone to rescue me since I was one of the best Spartans he had. Anger bubbled in my blood, I forced myself not to grab my gun and go on a shooting spree from how much anger I felt. I noticed a large figure standing by the entrance to my tent, his face was filled with curiosity.
"What is annoying you spartan?" He questioned keeping his distance, I knew it was Arbiter from the voice.
"The fact I can't remember my past is what's annoying me, I want to know who fucked up my memories, I want to remember who I was and what my purpose was, I know I used to be a Freelancer but that's it," I grumble looking away, when I look back he is standing right beside me. He sat down next to me and gives a sigh, I raise an eye brow curiously.
"Well Chief has been watching your progress and thinks you are ready for a step up in your training, both Chief and I want you to accompany us to see a friend of ours, they are eager to meet you," Arbiter offered, I nodded and put my helmet back on.
"I have nothing better to do so may as well," I grumble almost too softly, I hear Arbiter chuckle as he leaves. I follow him out into the main camp, he leads me towards a warthog where Chief stood waiting. I hopped into the passenger side of the warthog as Arbiter hopped into the drivers seat and Chief onto the back with the machine gun, soon we set off towards distant mountains and I knew this would be a long journey. As we drove I zoned out as I watched the scenery fly by, I began to wonder what/who these "friends" were.
I must have zoned out for a while because when I came back to reality we had stopped at the foot of the mountain, I hopped out of the warthog as did Chief and Arbiter. I followed them along a path further up the mountain to a cave, inside two elites stood guard but noticing who Arbiter and Chief were they stepped aside casting curious glances at me. We walked through a series of tunnels until we came to a large hidden bunker, I looked around impressed that the caves hadn't collapsed yet.
"Ahhhh my friends welcome back, and who is this might I ask?" Came a calm voice, I looked around trying to find the source of the voice in the dark room.
"This is Agent Australia from project Freelancer or as we like to call her, traitor or snitch," Came Arbiters scolding voice I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, I heard a grunt of amusement which only edged me closer to wanting to snap his neck.
"Well I have a mission for you two, I want you to return To Reach and fetch something for me, I want you to try and find out where the AI Scarlett has vanished to, all those years and I can only just pick up a faint distress signal which means her spartan is dead, Master Chief you should remember where you left her and her spartan right?" The voice murmured, I watched Chief freeze up as if remembering something terrible. Now the figure stepped into what little light there was, he looked like an old and wise man whom I had never seen before. Arbiter sensed his friends sudden reaction and I moved closer, this "friend" of theirs didn't feel right to me.
"We will fetch her but she will return with us back to Sanghelios with us," Chief grumbled, I wanted to know why a single AI was so important. We boarded a ship and took off for what I assumed would be Reach, I sat as far away from them as possible. They kept their eyes on me but I took no notice, I gave an impatient sigh before I began to fiddle with something in my hand. I leant back in my seat, this would be interesting.

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