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First day of college.

Yes, I'm stressed, who wouldn't be. After finally finishing high school and moving to another city for college only a couple of weeks ago, you'd be stressed, too. My hands were trembling and my palms were sweaty as I made my way to my first class, Hospitality Studies.

"Saved you a seat!" My boyfriend Jesse called as soon as I entered the hall. I smiled at him and walked over to where he's seating, wanting to touch his blonde locks for some reason. "You look like you saw someone killing Neymar and Dele Alli." He laughed.

"I'm nervous," I admitted lowly as I got my laptop out of my white bag.

"But I'm here, babe, come on," he put an arm over my shoulder and squeezed it, while I ran a hand through his hair, pretending to fix it. "Even though it's my second year, I'm nervous too. College is always stressful."

"Yeah, bu-" I stopped myself from talking when I saw a certain person enter the hall. I almost stopped breathing at the sight in front of me.

"Babe," Jesse moved my shoulder to get my attention. "Hey!"

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking," I lied, still staring at the blonde boy, in front of me. Now taller and more attractive, more reasons for me to stare. I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one.

"Good morning, I'm Mrs Laura, welcome to my class, to all the new ones, I'm a bit weird but you'll get used to it." Chuckles erupted around the class, even from my ex. I decided to avoid him all year. I have nothing left to say to him.

After class, Jesse and I parted ways because he had to go visit a friend and I was headed home to do some chores since my first class was at 6am, I didn't have time to clean up.

Jesse and I met during my senior year at high school, at his farewell party because he was headed off to college. We actually started dating on the phone and met up when he was in town. Unfortunately he had to stop school because he had to take care of stuff he never told me about, and had to repeat the year. I know I moved on too fast after my breakup with Chris, but I needed to, since he obviously did. Jesse's blonde hair always reminded me of Chris but that's not why I like him. He's a really fun and caring person.

I hurriedly cleaned my apartment that I shared with a girl from my school, paying the rent using the money I get from working at an ice cream shop close by. We both paid half the money and we divided chores. After everything, I made myself a sandwich and ate while waiting for the geyser to heat up so I can take a proper bath.

After my bath, I put on black jeans and a red Polo shirt and black Polo shoes. I put some white powder on my face, since I don't like makeup, and a pink lip gloss on my lips. Feeling ready, I popped a mint in my mouth and left the apartment, locking the door and putting my key and phone in my handbag. I walked down the street, thinking about Chris. I realized that it's normal for him to come to this college because we both had the same dream, to own hotels and restaurants in the future, our own businesses.

When I reached the ice cream shop, there were a few customers, who were already served, so I made my way to the staffroom to get my pink apron and black hat, with the shop logo on them. I grabbed them and made my way to the counter when I heard the door bell, signalling that there was a new customer.

An old lady approached the counter with a toddler beside her, I'm assuming that's her grandchild.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" I said my line with a smile as I took my notebook.

"I want vanilla ice cream, double it!" The little brunette squealed at the old lady.

"That's what she'll have," the lady smiled at me. I gave them an order number and went to get the ice cream. Since it was a simple order, it was easy to make, so I was back in less than two minutes.

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