All in the name of love

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Alfred came home to his mate sitting Ko-tow in front of the door and smelling of struggle, sadness and something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He adored Arthur's scent it was apples and a warm tea that the omega could probably name, and when he felt like this it took on a smell that resembled a grannie smith. Al adored finding a new type of apple in his mates sent he made sure to note down the apple he thought it most resembled.

He was quick to close the door and then he fell to his beautiful mate pushing his nose into the small omegas sent glands while his hand moved unconsciously to comfort his mate rubbing his back, whispering false promises into Arthur's twitching  ear and letting of protective pheromone. Having taken his fill of the delicious scent he turned the tearful face so they met each others eyes, he was quick to brush away the stray hair on his face. "what is it baby?" he asked faking compassion and Arthur couldn't help but bye it. 

Alfred pulled him in tighter genuinely worried for his tiny mate "tell me what wrong Artie?" and he was genuinely shocked at Arthurs answer he sighed maybe this was wrong he moved his hand onto his belly in hopes to further comfort his mate his attempt to comfort his mate was ruined by a whine from the omega and suddenly  

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