we build a nest

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There is an old saying that an omega's nest can never be replicated and at this moment Alfred felt that there was no doubt that this was true. Dispite Arthur's meek nature he was dead set on certain things though he did little in the way of arguing with him but from his scent it was clear he was uncomfortable at the very least. And Alfred knew that if he wanted his plan to succeed Arthur would need to be satisfied with everything in the nest. So he found himself moving the couches into the bedroom along with four of the dinning room's chairs.

He was also forced to paint the walls of course despite the annoyance that all this labour caused it wasn't the most extreme case. He could remember when he was younger his mother needed a whole new home just for her heat. It was strange though, because when he had first mated with Arthur he wasn't so demanding. Alfred was so consumed by these thoughts that he completely abandoned his task in favour of reminiscing. Before long a strange tangy smell intruded his thoughts he turned around to the other still very much naked hand on his elbow looking sadly at the walls for a moment he was pissed what the hell did Arthur get at looking at him like that? He calmed down when the potent smell of the impending heat seeped through the air.

He let out a sigh and walked over to his tearing mate and pulled him into a hug effectively leading the omegas nose to his own scent glands all the while releasing a soothing scent. This seem to pacify Arthur as the tart slowly got replaced by a more sweet smell. Alfred was sure to aid in the release of this new smell by moving his hand to the back of Arthur's neck and rubbing it in an encouraging fashion. Staring at the wall he had left to paint he considered hiring someone to do it, but he wouldn't do that to his darling.

Sorry this took so long to publish i had a touch of the writer's block but hey here i am.
Anyway thanks to MyNameIsAdam1 for the image will try and update sooner.

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