The smell of pie in the air

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Alfred got home to a strong and all encompassing smell. Before he even realised he had barrel through the front door toward the source of the scent.

His mind began to wirld trying to match the scent to something like before. It seemed almost an impossible task, it smelled homely but also fresh and new almost indescribable one thing was for sure thought it was delicious. While all this was racing though the American Alphas mind he was tearing through the home heading towards the centre of the intoxicating scent.

The door swung open to revile the smaller blond writhing in the central of the king sized bed surrounded by a puddle of sweat. Staring at this in the epicentre of it all it finely clicked Arthur was in heat! His shy omega hadn't gone into a heat since they moved. This was an important moment in their relationship, Alfred knew he would have to be careful if he wanted to cultivate this and use it to his advantage.

He began to take long laboured breaths in a hope to keep his instincts in check. This proved ineffective as he slowly began stalking towards the convulsing omega. His nose rubbed against Arthur's exposed scent glands and his touge traced over the out line of their mateing bite and his finger's found themselves running over the most recent of the scars and his cock was already upright. The smaller Brit responded by stretching out his neck and leaning into his alpha's touch. He also began to wimper out pleas and begging his Alpha to help. After afew more minuets of Alfred just taking in the state of his adorable mate he pulled up caressed Arthur's face and leaned in to whispered in his ear.

" how can i help you mate? " His voice had dropped allowing his southern accent to come out.

So thanks for standing with me i had wanted to update but i had writers block. Any way you know the drill thanks to MyNameIsAdam1 for the pic.

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