bath till i can't see red

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Advancing into the tub it's such a quick pace let him slipping but he didn't mind as he felt closer to his mates. Water was warm and seemed spread the scent of Arthur within itself. Alfred took the time to carefully positioned themselves till he was satisfied. Leaning Arthur's legs on his shoulders and lining his hard member directly towards Arthur's pucker hole till suddenly he gave a hard jamb sinking his sword quite firmly into Arthur's hilt.

However unlike when he held Arthur on top of the bath, this time he slowly increased his pace. Delicate almost but clearly only bringing him pleasure as Arthur whined through it all begging for to stop clearly in pain from the previous session. Despite all of the opposition Alfred patiently continued putting a little more strength in its Trust to make it all the more powerful while still slowly holding forward ignoring Arthur's whines to suddenly it seemed he could not.

Spelling his palm out he crashed his whole hand onto others face dunking it into the water suffocating him all the while continuing to slowly thrust. Suddenly after  what  seems like  a good minute off  hopeless thrashing he pulled his head out that the omega  could have just a few more minutes of oxygen. Arthur wheezed taking huge deep breaths begging for the oxygen that he had just been deprived before it was suddenly taken away and his head was dumped back into the water and he began struggling again.

Alfred continue this pattern of slowly pounding into his lover while he was suffocating and only ever bringing him up to ensure he did not die. Around 10 minutes in and the others struggling seems to weaken and in half an hour he wasn't struggling at all. Alfred stop spending the energy trying to keep his lover underwater simply letting him float unconscious in the bath while finishing himself off.

Finally done he got out and carried Arthur bridal style to the bedroom. He push aside some blonde hairs  from his forehead and paused he
thought Arthur  seemed almost red.

Sorry this took so long I had a math exam which sucked. Anyway I didn't mention this last time but I went through some serious changes in how I'm writing the book. Also thanks to MyNameIsAdam1 for providing this image

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