Alone in a bed for two

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Authur woke up alone and afraid he didn't know why it wasn't a fear he was familiar with. He knew what fear of his mate felt like it was like betrayal so is different real fear he such that couldn't get out of bed and he couldn't for a solid hour just consumed by this unnatural feeling. When he did finally managed on himself out, it was because of a different fear that came to him Alfred never let him sleep in why now? God what was he supposed to do now, what if he found the test? Aurther rushed to the bathroom and checked to see if it was still there he was so relieved.

He let go of the breath that he had been unknowingly holding in. He knew that if Alfred found out his already terrible life would become much worse. Arthur knew that his mate would find out eventually and if he did then the outcome would be even worse than if he told the American. All this negative thoughts running through his head just served to deepen his stressed state. Suddenly Arthur felt to overwhelm to even hold himself up and he collapsed onto his knees his spindly arms circling his torso subconsciously as if already trying to protect the possibility he held within him.

When Arthur was young he had often dreamed of settling down and having a big family of his own. Tears began dripping down his face as the British man was forced to confront the horrible reality that his life had not only forced him to give up his fantasy but also to fear it coming to fruition. The stress moved aside to make room for a new emotion. Sadness, the kind that only someone denied their dream just for another could feel.

It was due to this tirade of emotions that Arthur had neglected to pay attention to the time, instead sobbing on the bathroom floor with a positive pregnancy test in hand.

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