It will be made mine

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The sharp stench made it clear what the whining omega had done, despite the clear implications of an act this, it caused just certain smell, oh the scent his squirming  mate let out. It had a note of Crispin sweeter than Granny Smith and there was something else something very strongly Arthur. Lord Alfred wanted  to smell that everyday he wanted to discover how to make him release that sense, that should be his mates forever he decided.

Still he ought to be punished even though his smell was intoxicating. He shouldn't be acting like a child ,he should be able to hold himself ,he should be able to behave himself. He pulled Arthur by his hair and dragged him to the bathroom stripped him down and bent his back almost unnaturally against the tub. With one hand is secured struggling land in place and the other turns the water on scalding hot. Does water begin to feel he moved his hand to his partners limp member stroking it slowly till it was limp no more. And when it was deemed hard enough he wispered into Arthur's blush red ear ' are you getting off on this? Aren't you embarrassed? You should be embarrassed.' All the while Arthur kept releasing this intoxicating sent, Alfred's nose flared why was he doing that why did he never smell embarrassed didn't he understands that he should be!

The tub was nearly full of the boiling water and Arthur's mid section was already hovering over the tub inches away from getting dangerous burned Alfred lifed his legs up so that it would teeter on the tubs edge and if he moved even millimetre he would fall into the scalding hot water suddenly Arthur's sent turned intoxicatingly strong.

It reflected the a scent that he knew well. That of the apple trees that grew the red delicious back on the farm so distinct it reminded him of home. He couldn't help but want to own that scent. Next thing he knew he was pounding deep and hard and rough into Arthur's bare ass.

His left hand pinning Arthur's to the bathroom walls forcing his upper body to stretch above the scolded water. His right and more dominant hand caressing, scratching, clawing at his mate's snow pale skin till it seem to be covered in purple and red bruises. This pace continued till he finaly cum.

He let go of Arthur's hands and the flailing blonde fell back first into the water that was no longer boiling but definitely far warmer than it should have been. Alfred pushed back his hair using the moisture of the room to keep it that way and followed his mate in.

Sorry took so long to update a lot of things going on but I'm back planning on other continuing the spots in and the next chapter or going to serious plot if you don't want smart please comment otherwise that's what you're getting

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