How to feed an unborn baby (the darkness)

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Arthur wasn't an idiot it was clear Alfred love his mates pregnancy,  a few days into it Arthur could already tell he was using it to excuse ramping up the amount of cum within or on the Brit. It also meant a change in their routine, that Alfred explained was to ensure that the omega was in the best health for the baby.

He started the day suffocating in the Alpha's unnaturally powerful grip, he tried to avoid struggling as it woke up Alfred. Once Alfred was awake he began to force Arthur to categorized his scent. This often consisted of Alfred pushing Arthur nose first into his pubic hair and smothering him with it's sweat until the omega managed to guess the exact species of tree his scent was. All the while Alfred would rub one out sometimes using the blood he had drew from Arthur's head while shoving his head as a lube. He made sure to cum on Arthur's neck and chest, and Arthur wasn't allowed to wash if of so it had to dry crusty against his skin. Once acquaint with and covered in Alfred's scent Arthur was taken to the bathroom.

The decorative urethane plug was pulled out in a purposefully painful manner after which Arthur had to thank his daddy for giving him the chance to relieve himself. Said relief came as Alfred held Arthur's relatively smaller prick in his hands using the back of his palms to press down on Arthur's bladder. While doing this he stood behind the omega forcing him to lean on him if he wanted any support. On some days the alpha would buck his knees forcing Arther to rely on him.

All while berating Arthur for his actions often saying in his sweet southern accent, things like " what happened to all that British pride? Peeing while I hold your embarrassment of a prick." Or "What's wrong darling you need some help standing up, maybe we should get rid of you're legs since there so useless" . As he spoke he would often take breaks to painfully sink his teeth into the others milk white skin.

I know this wasn't as dark as I could go but don't worry i will be ramping up the intensity as we go, and don't worry I read the comments I promise a happy ending. Sorry for updating late. Hopefully the next one will be on time.

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