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*bella p.o.v

I open my eyes to see I'm tied up in a chair in a dark room

"Hello!?" I yell then I see two figures walk up to me
They were wearing mask so I couldn't see who they were

"What do you want from me?" I say about to cry
They don't say anything they just stare at me with those creepy masks

One of them had a knife in there hand
My eyes widen as he stabs my thigh

"AHHHH" I scream crying
"Shut up" the other one said as he slaps me across the face

I start crying more just more quiet
"P-please -s-s stop" I cry

They continue to hurt me by then one of them punches me really hard I pass out

*joeys p.o.v

I start driving back to my house until I see a whole bunch of police cars taking a car away... Wait a minute...that's bellas car!!!

I run out he car and go to a police officer
"Hey that's my girlfriends car"

"Where is she?" I ask
"We don't know we just found a crashed car but there was nobody in it" he says

I furrow my eyebrows but then widen my eyes
"Shit they took her" I run back to my car and go home

I open up my phone and text the asshole

Me: where the hell is she!!??

Unknown: we don't know what your talking about🤣

Me: WE!? There's more than one of you assholes

Unknown: Yep and we'll give her back if you give us something back

Me: what is it?

Unknown: give us $3million

Me:how the hell am I gonna get that money from I don't fucking shit money

Unknown: ok well then I guess she'll be with us then

Me: ok ok fine I'll give you the money but where are you?

Unknown: we're at the abandoned barn in greenway

Me: ok I'll get you the money as soon as possible

Unknown: you better

*end of convo

I'll just give them my college money and some of my money that I had randomly saved up

That should add up to about 3mill

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