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Bellas p.o.v

I've been looking everywhere for Joey and I still can't find him

I'm getting so worried
Now I'm driving back to Sophia

Cause I've been driving everywhere looking for him
I get to the house

The door was already open
"Sophia come on!"

"I'm coming"
Me and Sophia are going to look everywhere for him

"Try using the iPhone tracker" she says
"Ok take the wheel"

I get my phone out and try to find his phone
"Oh my god I found it" I say

"Ok where is it?"
"I don't even know it's some garage behind a crappy restaurant" I say

"Oh god"
I take the wheel and start driving there

We arrive at the place and it looks so gross
Like where thugs meet up

We go behind the restaurant and see the garage
We hear guys yelling

Me and soph walk slowly towards the garage
"LET ME GO YOU BITCH" I hear the love of my life yell

Oh no

Me and Sophia peek through the garage and see 3 guys with mask on and Joey sitting on a chair tied up

"Sophia call Bryce, Taylor, and Dev" I whisper
She gets her phone out and calls them

"There on there way" she says
I peek and see Joey slowly look at me

'What the hell are you doing here' he mouths
'To save you' I mouth back

A black Jeep pulls up and it's the boys
"Hey what's going on?" Bryce says

"Joey is tied up in a chair bleeding with 3 guys with mask on surrounding him now get all your asses in there and SAVE HIM" I almost yell

"Ok ok" they all grab a pipe that was on he floor
They slowly enter the garage

Taylor comes back to us
"Go in the car"

"No" me and Sophia say at the same time
"Go in the car now" we both roll our eyes and go inside my car

I start tearing up
Sophia hugs me

"He's going to be ok"
Next thing you know we hear yelling and banging

We look out the window and see everyone fighting


Oh no oh no

Someone just got shot
I look out the window and see Joey on the floor shot

"JOEYY" I cry and run out the car
I get on my knees and put his head on my lap

"Joey p-please wake up" I cry

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