(OMG!!! Thank you guys so much for 12k reads!!!! Sksksksj im actually shook. I love you guys so much like I'm sobbing 😭ok ok ok ok I'm done now)
*bellas p.o.v*
"Oh god I'm so nervous" I start shaking
"Hey hey listen to me" soph grabs my shoulder"I know it's nerve racking that your getting married but you should be exited not nervous...your getting married to the love of your life" she says
"Your right" I smile
Taylor walks in the room"Are you ready?" He ask
"Yeah" I smileHe puts his arm around mine and we walk down the aisle
*joeys p.o.v*
I turn to see my beautiful princess
I smile at her and she smiles backTaylor kisses her cheek and leaves off to his seat
She walks in front of me and smiles"Dearly beloved, we gather here today-" out of nowhere fun shots start shooting everywhere
I grab Bella and hide with her under the bench in thing
Everyone is screaming
Bella hugs me and starts shakingI hug her really tight and I kiss her forehead
"It's going to be ok" I stand up and try look for my mom, Sophia and Bellas momI see them hiding behind a table
I grab Bellas hand and rub towards them"Come on we have to run" all 5 of us start running out of the chapel
"Oh my god" Sophia holds her chest and then hugs meI hug her back
I look around and don't see BellaMy eyes widen in frighten
"Where the hell is bella?!"I look around and don't see her
I then see someone wearing all Black carrying BellaShe was covered in blood
I run as fast as I can towards the guy
"LET HER GOOO" I try catching him but he gets into the van and drives off with Bella"NOOO" I fall on the floor crying
"Come on we need to go get her" Bellas mom cry's while helping me off from the floorWe run straight to my moms car and I get into the drivers seat and speed my way that the van went
I can barley see with all my tears but I continue to speed to where I saw the van go
I start driving everywhere but never found it
"DAMN IT" I punch the steering wheelWe've been searching for hours and never found the fucking van
I just sit there sobbing while Bellas mom rubs my back
"It's ok we're going to find her" She crys
"Yeah, let's go to the police and tell them everything then go home get some rest then look some more tomorrow" my mom says"How the HELL DO YOU EXPECT ME TO REST WHILE MY BABY IS MISSING?!" I scream
I drive bellas house and my mom and soph So our house
They said that there going to go to the police station but I'm gonna keep looking for my princess
*bellas p.o.v*
I wake up to a shooting pain in my stomach
I look down and see my stomach has a bullet insideI groan in pain
I look around and a dark room with just a bed that I'm laying on and a little mini dresser next to the bedI start crying and try to get up
I get up and try opening the doorBut of course it's locked
The last thing I remember is walking down the aisleI don't remember anything after that
I start crying and fall on the floorI look next to my bed and see a window
I look around the room to see if there's anything I can break it withI then see bricks under the bed
The bricks is what was holding the bed upI grab a brick and try picking it up without breaking my back
I grab it and throw it at the window and it breaks
I go to the window and see that I'm two floors upOh well
I might hurt might ankle or something but it's fine
I lift my dress up to try to put my leg over the broken windowI take a deep breath
As I'm about to jump I see joeys car drivingOh my god
I jump out the window and fall on my ankle
I groan in pain but still get upI try running after his car to see if he sees me
His car turns around back to where I wasHe sees me and try's getting out of his car
"Oh my god Bella" he runs towards meI try walking to him but then someone grabs me before Joey does
Someone puts a gun to my head
I close my eyes and I can barley breath cause this guy is holding my neck so freakin tight"Step any closer and I'll shoot her"
*joeys p.o.v*
I look at Bella and she's shaking
"What do you want? I'll do anything just let Bella go. Money?" I say"I need 50 mill" who the hell does this guy thinks he is. Does he actually think I shit money out my ass
"Ok fine just give me Bella" I say
"No I want the money first" he says"So I'm going to keep her here with us until you get us the money" he says
"Ok just don't hurt her, don't even touch her" I say angry
She looks at me with a scared look
'I'm going to get you out baby don't worry' I whisperI go back into my car and look at Bella one more time
'I love you' I mouth
'I love you too' she mouths backShe starts crying
He takes her back insideI can't take this anymore
I grab my phone out and call Bryce, Taylor, and dev"Hello?" Bryce answers
"Bring Taylor and dev with you I need back up""What are you talking about what's going on?" He ask
"Just hurry I'm going to send you the address" I hang up

Him and I
Fanfiction"I DO LOVE YOU BELLA!" He said annoyed and frustrated "YOU KNOW JOEY, YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT BUT YOU NEVER SHOW IT!" ⚠️warning: smut parts and some self harm⚠️ #24 in #birlem