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It's been a week since me and Joey put an offer on the house

I really hope we get it's so beautiful
We already told Jen and his family and we also told my mom

Me and Joey are cuddling on the bed till his phone starts ringing

I try to eavesdrop but I can't hear a damn thing
"yeah...really?......ok uh thanks" he hangs up

"Who was that?"
"That was our realtor" he looks down

"And?" I ask
He looks a little sad

Oh no

He looks up at me
"We got the house" he smiles

"Oh my god!!" I jump and hug him
"Let's go tell soph" we go to her bedroom

"Hey soph" I say
"Hey what's up?"

"We got the house" I smile
"Oh my god that's great!" She hugs me and Joey

*5 months later*

"I can't wait to our princess come" I rub my huge tummy

Yep it's been 9 months
Our little princess should be coming in a couple of weeks

"Me neither" Joey says kissing my tummy
I smile

I'm literally in love with the house tho
And we already bought the baby stuff like the crib and decorations for the baby room

"I'm gonna go make breakfast" he gets up
"Ok" I turn on the tv and watch Netflix

After about 10 mins of watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S
I started to feel the baby kick

I smile
"Baby the foods ready!" He yells from downstairs

I exit the room until I feel something wet drip down

Oh god

I look down and the floors wet

He runs up stairs and looks at me worried
"What happen-"

He stops himself when he sees the floor wet
He runs in the driveway on and gets the bag and a pillow and blanket

He picks me up to the car as I groan in pain
He drives as fast as he can while he holds my hand

"Just breath baby"
I take deep breaths

We arrive at the hospital and he bust through the doors

"I NEED A DOCTOR MY WI- GIRLFRIEND IS PREGNANT" two doctors came running with a wheel chair

They set me on the wheelchair and take me to a room

Joey grabs out his phone calling someone
I'm assuming his family

I keep groaning in pain
They set me on the bed and Joey runs in

He sits on the chair next to me and holds my hand
"Ok your 6 inches, it's time" the doctor says

"Ok push" I push as hard as I can
I groan in pain

I keep pushing
"Ok 2 more pushes" I push so fucking hard I'm surprised the baby's didn't come shooting out

"Alright we got one" the doctor pulls my baby out
The other doctor takes our baby and cleans her

"Ok it's time for the other one" I push and push
"One more push" I push and groan

"Ok we got her" they clean her as well
I lay my head back and take deep breaths

"You did it baby" Joey kisses my forehead
I smile

They pass us our baby's
"Do you have names yet?"

"Yes this we'll be Grace Lynn Birlem and she'll be Isabella Marie Birlem" I smile and look at Joey who's also smiling

(Joeys holding Isabella bellas holding Grace)

"Ok we'll go right that on there birth certificate" they say
They leave the room

"We did it" I smile
"Yeah we did" he kisses me

*1 day later

Right now me and Joey are in the kitchen
He's making breakfast for me while I'm getting my nipples sucked by two cuties

(That sounds so weird)

"Here you go" he sets down my food on my table
"Ok thank you baby" I take grace and Grace upstairs and put them in there crib

I go back downstairs and eat
"Your mom and Sophia and Jen are going to come over to the baby's again" he says

"Oh and by the way after they leave I'm taking you out"  he says

"Well where are grace and Isabella gonna be" I ask
"My mom will watch them"

"So where are you taking me?" I ask

"You'll find out soon" he wiggles his eyebrows
I laugh

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