Dear Jesse - MCSM

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"I'm so, so sorry, Jesse," Petra murmured. "I - no, we didn't mean for this to happen to you. It shouldn't have happened - to anyone!"

Suddenly she felt a cold, hard rage fill her.

"If you hadn't taken that stupid deal, you'd still be with us! He wouldn't have done that, and you'd be okay!"

Warnings: Meh, I haven't written it yet.

Okay. I just wrote the whole thing, in about half an hour, so here you go;

Ship: It could be Jetra, if you want it to be. It could also be purely platonic. You're choice.


Dear Jesse.

Petra stopped herself there, biting the end of her pencil hesitantly. She didn't know how to word it, didn't know if it would make sense, didn't know if it was worth even doing it.

She did it anyway.

I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a while. It's been... complicated. Really complicated.
Ivor's trying to get us to go back to the portals, but in all honesty... I'm scared, Jesse.
I know, I know, I don't get scared. I'm Petra, I what would I be scared of? I'm not scared of anything, you've probably said it a million times. But what if things go wrong again? What if we end up in another murder mansion, back in Sky City where the mobs are everywhere, what if PAMA's up and running again?

I wish I could see you again. But I won't.

How could Hadrian do that? Disable the respawn points just as you died?

I'll get him back. I promise.

- Petra

Petra put her pen down, her expression filling with anger as she thought of Hadrian. She'd take him down.

For Jesse.


"Fine, Hadrian," Jesse said, already regretting his decision as he said the words. "You gotta deal."

He couldn't bear to look at Axel and Olivia's faces as he agreed to to the deal, couldn't bear to face the truth of what he had just done.

He had just agreed to one of Hadrian's deals - or rather, one of his scams. He never kept a deal, he always changed it so he would turn out as the winner. And as Otto wasn't here... Well, it was safe to say that Jesse would be going to the mines either way.

"I-I'm so sorry..." he whispered before Hadrian placed the last block. After he'd done so, he burst into sobs and darted past the gladiator - Slab, was it? - intent on going to his friends.

He didn't want to see their faces as they found out what he had done.

He had agreed to Hadrian's deal, and that was surely going to backfire on him. He wasn't known for playing fair - Hadrian, that is - and he wasn't going to let Jesse get the upper hand.

It was practically impossible for him to win in this case.

Once he'd gotten to the small village, he panted, hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breath.

It was also partly because he didn't want to see their faces. He knew he'd have to in the end.

"Jesse? What happened in there?" Lukas asked, worry evident in his eyes. Jesse was never this exhausted, as a matter of fact, he wasn't even panting anymore, just keeping his hands on his knees, keeping his head face down to the ground.

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