804 12 3

   Published 1/23/19

   I hopped off the train taking a deep breath in.  Finally I was off that hell on tracks. I readjusted my bag on my shoulder and held my violin case tight in my right hand.

I wandered off looking around the dark creepy village covered in fog. Maybe I should find a place to stay for the night. Something was off about this place. It was to quite,  not a single sound.

I brought my free hand to my face biting the tip of the glove slowly pulling it off. I tucked my glove in my pocket. Now I was ready if there was a fight.

I slowly walked around the town being careful,  my eyes were scanning constantly watching for danger.  Just as I passed a house I could hear people talking.

I walked up to the door not even knocking I kicked open the door.  Knocking it off it's hinges.  The room was full of men.  They all turned to look at me all their eyes were wide in shock. 

My eyes scanned the crowed till they landed on a boy tied in a chair.  He was unique looking with white hair and a pentical scar over his left eye.

"Ya know where I can find a place to eat and sleep" I asked them in a bored town? No one answered I let my eyes narrow before bringing my un gloved
Hand up pointing at the men. "Ya also wanna tell me why you full grown men have a teenage boy tied up" I asked with a growl. The mark on my palm glowed green.  The boys eyes widen in shock and he mumbled something. 

"I am the mayor of this village and this boy is going to help us kill the vampire" a man said with a funny hat. 

I tilted my head to the side my eye brows scrunched up in confusion.  "Vampire?  Vampires aren't real" I told them. 

The man with the funny hat gave me a werid look.  Then he went on to explaining what has been going on lately with count vampire.  During his story I had put my hand down seeing as they were not a threat.

Then they were bowing To the boy in the chair asking for his help.  I almost laughed when they called him a monk.

This kid, a monk, don't make me laugh.

I held back my slight shock as the boy stood up no longer restrained by the ropes.  Either he's skilled in escaping or these people have no idea how to tie someone up.

I was about to leave when a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned back around to see the boy with white hair was the one who had grabbed my wrist.  I narrowed my eyes into a glare at him.

He released my wrist and let out a nervous laugh scratching the back of his head.  "Please don't go just yet I have some questions I need to ask you and I might need your help.

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