Rosella RedFox, a young girl with a past full of death, betrayal, and blood, lots and lots of blood. Believes she's a monster and demon who should not be loved or cared for, because of her ability to create blood red crystals.
Left alone in th...
RELATIVES: William RedFox(adoptive father; deceased)
Elizabeth Redfox(adoptive mother; deceased)
OCCUPATION:Street Performer
Appearance: waist length red hair, tanish skin, dark blue Grey Green eyes
Personality: first time meeting her/ cold, cruel, quite, independent, fearless, rude (kinda like kanda) after she trust you/ kind, funny, generous, polite,
Innocence locations:
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One innocence Mark is over her heart and she has two more on the palms of her hands
Innocence capabilities: her innocence can create crystals, the crystals are infused with innocence. She can make weapons out of the crystals as well. Along with very thin body armor she can also make the crystals evaporate and return to her body.