Published 2/8/19
Allen didn't say anything he only stared at me with fear and shock. I took a few steps back before turning my back to him heading back over to my bed for the night. I heard a click and looked over my shoulder to see a small golden ball with wings and a tail.
I stared at it kinda weirded out. The golden thing I think stared back. Kinda hard to tell since it had no eyes.
Allen waved his hands wildly as I made my crystal fist turn into a sharp crystal spike. "NO NO it's ok he's a friend, his name is Timcampy"!!! I slowly allowed my crystals to absorb back into my body.
Allen let out a sigh of relief before heading back over to his bed. Laying down. I went over to my bed and layed down as well I truned onto my side so that my back was to allen. I closed my eyes and slowly began to fall asleep.
I had no idea how long I was asleep for but I woke up when I heard the door slowly open. I looked over my shoulder and saw a man.
But I knew that was wrong as my Cross marks pulsed. But before it could do anything I shot out of my bed slamming my hands to the floor.
Red crystals rapidly grew on the floor till a giant spike appeared impaling the man right through his chest. The man changed forms and was this big ugly floating thing, it then exploded.
"That was incredible Roe" I heard Allen's voice say from behind me. I turned around my hand out facing him my eyes widen in shock his red arm was now a long white covered in armor clawed hand. "You better start talking, what the hell was that thing and what happened to your arm" I yelled at him ready to attack at any second.
"Their Akuma I'll explain later we don't have time right now" he yelled at me as more men broke into our room. They all transformed into akuma and began shooting at us.
Allen and I ran out of the room to avoid the shots. We ran down the hall, allen leading the way. "We need to get out side" he yelled to me. I saw a shadow figure out side of the window infront of us.
"Get down" I yelled and pushed allen down as these orbs came shooting through the window. Allen let a cry of pain as his left eye got hit with an orb. I got hit in the shoulder letting out a small grunt, I grabbed it holding it tightly in slight pain.
I had enough of this I let out a small snarl and slamed my hand to the ground creating crystal spikes stabbing the akuma through their heads.
"Big hammer, little hammer extend" I heard a male voice yell. A giant hammer shot over our heads destroying my crystals along with the already dead akuma.

Do We Have A Deal? (D.gray Man) Various X Oc
FanfictionRosella RedFox, a young girl with a past full of death, betrayal, and blood, lots and lots of blood. Believes she's a monster and demon who should not be loved or cared for, because of her ability to create blood red crystals. Left alone in th...