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(Created by me, this is what Shimetsu looks like in his dark hollow djinn)

Published 4/13/19

This chapter is dedicated to Auraro_Maximoff44 for being the first person to add this story to a reading list. Thank you!!

I took off into a fast Sprint ignoring allen and lavis cries for me to stop and wait.

I had let my emotions get the best of me again.  But that demon face.  What was it?  I've seen it before in my nightmares.

I soon came to a stop somewhere in the large castle. It was a large room full of shelves that held many different kind of items.  But all were covered in a thick layer of dust.


I spun around in a circle hearing a deep dark laugh.

I'm not there

I heard it again

I spun around in a comple circle looking around for the owner of the voice seeing no one.

"Where are you" I called out in a fighting position.

Why I'm inside you

I froze stiff as a bored.  What?!

Hahahha yes yes, child I'm inside your head.

What the hell is going on.  I'm going crazy.  Im going mad!

Were all a little mad in this world

"Who are you" I called out.

Why I'm you,  or should I say what you will become

I felt the Cross on my chest pulse this time even more painful.  I let out a small cry of pain grabbing my chest.  My eyes shutting tightly as I collapse to the ground on my knees.

My hands grab at my shirt over my heart in pain.

I open my eyes to see red smoke coming from my chest.  The smoke starts to form a face.  My eyes widen in shock as the demon mask from before appeared infront of me.

I lean back onto my hands and try to back away.  But the demon mask followed me.  Soon I was backed into a corner terrified.

"what are you" I whispered.

I am Shimetsu and I am Dark Hollow Djinn

"What's a dark hollow djinn"?

A dark hollow djinn,  is two monsters that are considered gods in one.  One of the most powerful things to ever exist. A hollow is a monstrous ghost that feeds on other souls. An Dark Djinn is a life form created from dark Rukh that retained the memories and personalities of certain people from the different races of Alma Torran.

"What did you mean by you are me?"

The mask gave me an evil smile.

Why, I mean what I said,  but it's more so you will become me, more than me becoming you.  Unless you wish to make a deal.

"What kinda deal" I questioned?

If you can find and kill the 14Th Noah in a year, I will grant you a single wish, anything you desire will be yours and you may keep my powers

"And if I don't kill this 14Th noah"

Then your body shall become mine and you will give it to me willingly

"What will happen if you take my body"?

I will devour your soul and you will never go to the after life

I stiffen and started thinking of options.

"So will I be able to use your powers to kill the 14th" I asked

The masks eyes twinkled with evil

Yes I shall loan you some of my powers

So do we have a deal?

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