Published 8/14/19
"She's been coming almost every night. She can't deal with it alone. I'm pretty worried." Mother told us.
" such loss would give rise to unbearable grief." Allen spoke with a serious look on his face.
"If the millennium earl were to take advantage of it..." I spoke, my mind thinking of the outcomes that could happen.
" would you help her somehow?" Mother asked her eyes begging.
That night while everyone was fast asleep I was wide awake and outside watching as the moons reflection on the lake changed to the suns. Sleep and I have never been the best of friends. My mind also kept replaying mothers and I conversation from earlier. Did she know my mother? Does she know who mu father is? Does she know where I belong? So many questions swirled around in my head.
Soon everyone was up and it was time for us to go.
Baba had given me a bouquet of flowers to give to the young women from last night.
" give her those flowers I raised!" Baba yelled To us waving his arms above his head.
Soon enough we had reached the town that we had been in just the day before. I told allen and leenalee that I would catch up with them I justed wanted to go check something out first. I had given the flowers to leenalee to give to the woman.
Allen was a little hesitate but allowed me knowing he couldn't stop me even if he wanted to.
I wondered through the town sensing a familiar presence near by.
I came to a stop infront of an old abandoned looking. The windows were all boarded up with wood.
I entered the building following the presence up stairs. Stopping intront of a door I slowly pushed it opened.
As I entered the room I saw a mass laying in a corner of the room slowly walking to it I came to a halt as the tip of a katana blade was pointed at my neck.
"Who the hell are you" a young but deep voice grumbled.
" I see you have been taking care of that blade" I said, a smirk making its way To my lips as the blade dropped away from my neck and back down to the ground.
"Well well never thought I'd see you again brat haha" the male voice said with a chuckle. Standing up only to reach the top of my shoulders
"Same goes for you tiny" I teased him. "Grrr shut up, I'm only short because your older than me" he grumbled.
I shocked the young man by pulling him to me in a tight hug.
"It's great to see you again yami, it's been way to long. "
I felt his arms slowly wrap around me. "Tch I guess it's good to see you again to" he grumble hugging me tighter.
Yami was a young boy around the age of 14. He has black eyes and black hair of medium length that is messily combed backward, making it stick outwards. His skin was a slight tan. Yami was slightly muscular due to training all the time.
He normally wore a white shirt and black trousers. The trousers have an extra layer of tan leather that covers his outer thighs and down to his knees. The trousers are only supported by a belt around his waist. Yami wears another pair of belts that hold his sword. Lastly, he wears black high boots that cover most of his calves.

Do We Have A Deal? (D.gray Man) Various X Oc
FanfictionRosella RedFox, a young girl with a past full of death, betrayal, and blood, lots and lots of blood. Believes she's a monster and demon who should not be loved or cared for, because of her ability to create blood red crystals. Left alone in th...