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Friday. November 13th, 2015. 10:05 PM
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An explosion had gone off in the sky and another on an island in between Gotham and Metropolis. Everything was happening so fast, and the area I was in was deserted, too late for stragglers to be running around at night in Gotham.

The creature had landed on the island emitting energy and blasts that looked eerily familiar to Clark's heat vision. Lex Luthor had done the impossible and created a being too powerful for just Superman to take down. He had used Kryptonian technology and DNA to erect whatever this thing was. I could only watch helplessly as Batman was taken down and rescued by an unknown woman. Clark had swept down with such power one hit form him sent the creature flying into factory columns and tumbling across the ground, explosions shattering through the sky and shaking the ground.

"It's Kryptonian." I muttered to myself as I spun around and ran back into the building. I repeated it over and over in my head. I needed a bit of an ego boost so I could retrieve the spear. Deep water made my skin crawl and not knowing how deep it was made my stomach flip uneasily as I moved, tripping.

My body was soaked now and I hadn't even gotten into the water, "Great." I muttered angrily.

The water sloshed around my feet as I came to a halt at the edge of the stairwell that was submerged. The spear was down there.

"You can do this, Annie. It's only water," I hyped myself up and pulled my sweater over my head and hung it on the angel statue looking down at the deep water. I jumped up and down quickly to fight off the chill my bare arms had been exposed to and sloshed down the stairs. Where the hell did it fall? I wondered looking for it, I knew I'd have to dive, but before I could even attempt, the building around began to crumble, and I was forced underwater to avoid being crushed.

Panicked, I searched for the spear. I needed to get the spear. The waster was freezing and a bit murky. I could feel my chest tighten just as my fingers brushed the metal staff and I wrapped my fingers around it only for it to be stuck. Setting my feet on the floor I tried to pull it out from underneath the heavy concrete.

A gargled scream came from my mouth, and I tried not to suck in any water, but the tightness in my chest was becoming too much. With what energy I had left I shoved off the bottom and swam to the surface. To my dismay, I came face to face with more concrete. Small areas were letting light in, and I forced my hand through, hoping I could dislodge some of the rocks, but when the rock fell on my arm, I snatched it back sucking in water in a panic.

There was no way out. My fists banged against the concrete as I screamed hoping Clark would hear me. I can't die now. I still want kids, I want to get married, I want to try excellent Boba tea. My mind was panicking, throwing out a dozen random thoughts as my body was growing weaker and my lungs were filling with water, but I kept banging. He had to hear me. Had to.

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