I Gotta Let You Know

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WARNING SEXUAL CONTENT.... you've been warned not much else I can say about that. Also I wrote this on my phone so there might be some errors I will fix that later on.

I rarely got visitors, but when I heard the car pull into the drive

way I automatically knew who it was. Even before the ignition

was killed, the car door slamming, and the knocking on my

door. I made my way down the stairs to get the door, he stood

there smiling arms crossed over his chest.

"Don't tell me my father sent you to check up on me again?"

He smiled knowingly and walked in pulling me flush against his

warm body. My body immediately relaxed into his I rested my

head against his stomach. He closed the door and pulled me

over to the couch where he sat with me in his lap.

"I don't mind if it means I get to see you."

His breath caressed my ear sending shivers down my spine I

fought the urge to stop it. His mouth held a smirk that I

wanted to wipe off his face.

"I'm sure my fathers beta has more important things to do

than spend them checking up on his daughter."

"That's probably true but I wouldn't trade places with what I'm

doing know."

A moan escaped my lips as he placed kisses on my neck. He

turned me around so I was straddling his lap, and captured

my lips with his kissing me hungrily. I sighed running my

fingers through his hair, he took the chance to slip his tongue

in my mouth and deepen the kiss. He pulled away his eyes

swirling with hunger and lust.

"To many clothes." He growled.

He easily ripped away the flimsy camisole I was wearing and

unclaspsed my bra. His hands cupped my breast placing a kiss

on each nipple before nipping at them with his teeth. Need

coursed through my body. My head fell back and my back

arched as the pleasure ran through my veins. I instinctively

rocked my hips against the hard bulge in his pants. I pulled his

shirt up over his head momentarily stopping his assult on my

breast. He went back caressing and nipping at my breast. I

reached down and undid the button and zipper of his pants. I

slipped a hand inside the waistband of his boxers gripping his

throbbing manhood. He stilled and groaned into my neck, I

slid off his lap and pulled at his pants and boxers he lifted his

lips making it easier to do so. I sank to my knees and smiled up

at him before wrapping my lips around length and swirling

my tongue around the tip. He groaned his head falling back

against the couch, gripping a fistful of my hair. I slid my mouth

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