*Chapter Thirteen*

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 I shift in the bed, too tired to open my eyes. I can remember arguing with Noah, and knowing that I wanted to tell him something, something important, but every time I try to remember it's like it eludes me even more. I sigh, curling into a ball, still not having opened my eyes.

Suddenly I hear shuffling to my right, and I realize for the first time that I'm not alone. 

"Oh thank God... I wasn't sure when you were going to wake up." I instantly recognize the deep voice, and slowly, ever so slowly, I open my eyes. The instant my eyes are fully open, they connect with stunning blue-eyes. I watch as he leans in closer and closer, so close that I can feel the right side of my body prickle in anticipation as he gets nearer. 

"You know ma almost beat me when she saw you unconscious, she assumed I had done something to you." He stayed quiet for a minute. " I guess I did though, didn't I? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." I interrupted him, a little too breathless. I looked away from him, embarrassed. A few moments later I felt him move away from me, and sit down in a chair that was set right next to the bed. I looked at him quickly, only to see him smiling at me. He wasn't smirking, wasn't just staring, he was genuinely smiling at me. I felt all the blood rush to my face. Even like this, with his beat up jeans and black shirt, which hugged him in some places, while he was sitting in the most mundane of places, he still looked extremely attractive. I looked away from him once again, pouting. After what I had just gone through, I really didn't want to find anybody attractive. Why him? Why had I noticed him since the moment I had come to Portazo Bay? Why had I always been looking for him? Why? Why? Why?

Before I could get lost in my thoughts even more, Noah stood up.

"Ma told me to tell her right away when you woke up" He stalled by the door. "So I should go tell her now." And with that he was gone.

I sighed, sinking into the bed a little more. I covered my eyes with the palms of my hands, feeling tears begin to prick the sides of my eyes. I just wish I could remember my past. At this point and time I would gladly take any tidbit of information, even the most insignificant minuscule piece of information. 

I wiped my eyes and slowly sat myself up. While I knew that the situation that I was in wasn't the best, it didn't help at all if I was letting all of my emotions and thoughts smother me. For the first time since I arrived at the house, I took a look at my surroundings. The room itself was tiny, the white paint on the wall was chipping and dirty. I could also feel a draft coming in from the window which looked like something had smashed into it, and somebody had tried to repair it. But besides that there was also another bed in the room, and a desk and drawers. And as I had noticed earlier, there was a chair ( the desk's chair I assumed) right next to my bed. Even though the room itself looked run down it still felt homely. A lamp on the desk was throwing a warm glow around the room, there were white knit blankets on both beds, and a sort of cinnamony scent in the room. I felt safe and comfortable, and it had been a while since I had felt that way.

I lied back down sighing happily, just as the door slowly creaked open. I watched as Linda slowly stepped into the room, carrying a tray with her. As I looked closer I could see that there was a small white towel, a small bowl, a larger bowl, and some thin gauze. She took small steps until she was right at the foot of my bed, laying the tray right at the end of the bed. 

"How are you sweetie?" She smiled at me, tucking a strand of her brown curly locks behind her ear. I couldn't help but smile back at her. But as I looked closer at her, I could see that she looked tired, there were bags under her eyes. Her eyes which had been full of light and life before, were now ever so slightly duller.

"I feel a lot better, thank you." I smiled at her again. She leaned in closer to me, touching me forehead and then pulling the covers away from my body. I couldn't help but shiver from the cold.

"Sorry about the draft, there's not much one can do about that sort of thing now a days." She frowned a little, as she began pulling the gauze slowly off. " And don't thank me, Noah didn't want me to say anything, but he stayed by your side the entire time you were unconscious." She raised her eyebrows at me and gave me a small smile.

"How long was I unconscious for?" I asked, curiosity burning through me.

"From what Noah told me, it was maybe ten hours, I got back an hour or two ago, and found him sitting on this chair, watching over you." I stared at her for a second. Noah had been taking care of me for that long? I could feel myself blushing again. I cleared my throat a little, before speaking.

"I hadn't realized." I whispered almost to myself.

"Mmm, he just looks all rough and tough, but he's quite soft on the inside." I couldn't help but smile a little at that. Linda leaned in a little closer to me. "Don't tell him I told you though, oh lord he would scold me for sure. But in all seriousness he is one of the gentlest, and kindest souls I have ever meet." She paused, lost in her own thoughts.

"I know, and I am very thankful for the both you taking me into your home and your help. It means the world to me." I placed  my hand on top of hers, tears once again prickling the edges of my eyes, because it was true, if it wasn't for her and her son I don't know where I would've been right at this moment.

"Oh sweetie it's nothing really, you can stay for as long as you need to... But for now lets just change these bandages to new ones." I nodded and watched as she finished unraveling my right arm. I watched as she flipped my arm back and forth, her eyes going wide.

"Oh my..." She stopped, her grip tightening on my hand. Her eyes slowly sliding up to my face. Her gaze burning into me.

"Where did you say you came from?" Her voice was soft but inquisitive.

"I don't remember. I woke up a few days ago at the edge of the city and was brought here. I don't remember anything but my name." I replied, wondering why she was asking me this now.

"Well I can tell you one thing child, you are special."


Okay Okay so I know it's been like a year (Okay maybe not that long but it has been a long time) since I updated, but I haven't forgot about this books, i've just been super busy :/

Thank you for sticking with me for this long, I really do hope you like reading this ( I really love writing this book) and continue to read it :) 


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