Chapter 13 - Outlaw In 'Em

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Trey was drinking. One too many bottles that is.

Having drunk 3 bottles of beer, he somehow had fallen asleep and woke up on his sofa, the empty bottles still standing still.

He stood up, realising that he was still in his street clothes, the ones he had worn the day before.

Finding himself back in his home, he stood up, feeling very giddy after that unnecessary hangover of his. Despite drinking too much alcohol, he still remembered him being knocked out by Bodi's waves of blue fire that struck his body to the ground.

His electric guitar, lying next to him on the sofa, still not accepting the shock of its defeat.

Suddenly, the cheetah remembered what the dog mentioned before he left, and reflected his own attitude and abuse at Darma and Grem.

Oh crap, I clearly lost their trust, Trey slapped his hand against his forehead. The dog had a point after all.

He removed his jacket and toeless straps he had worn the day before, then with his white, slightly stained shirt and black jeans, he went back to sleep on his sofa, inside his slightly run-down home.


"Oh my goodness, that was certainly you, right?"

These were the first words that came out of Grem the next morning over breakfast. The goat showed his Twitter feed where a lot of mammals had uploaded low-quality videos of Bodi's battle against Trey. The goat looked as pale as a sheet as he was still in complete denial, despite him and Darma not witnessing the battle firsthand.

"You could say that... I rocked." Bodi made a careless reply.

Darma felt bittersweet over the incident.

"At least you got your revenge against him. Poor Trey, I wonder whether he would be ok..."

Bodi's mobile phone rang and he picked it up immediately.

B: Angus?

A: Morning, my student! Mind turning on the loudspeaker?

B: Sure.

(Bodi turned on the loudspeaker and placed his mobile phone on the table)

A: Good morning, everyone. Can you hear me?

D: I can hear you.

G: Heard!

A: Ok, I got some good and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

D: Give us the bad news first, ok?

A: Ok, the bad news is... you three can no longer stay at the apartment of yours...

D: What?

B: What?

G: ... What?

A: Relax, you three. That's not at all bad news. The good news is: Ian and me had a meeting yesterday to discuss the future of Rock Dog, and both of us really needed the convenience of you three sticking with me for the long haul.

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