Chapter 1

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"Guys, I'm home!" Luke yelled as he threw his bag in the hallway.

"Hey, how was your trip?" Beau asked.

"Eh, nothing too special, missed you guys of course haha." Luke answered.

"Aww, we missed you too, espesially Jai... He definitely haven't been himself without you here."

"Talking about Jai," Luke began, feeling a bit guilty leaving for Melbourne to see his family without his brothers and friends. "He haven't replied to any of my phone calls or text messages lately. Where is he?"

"Oh, I thought you'd be the first person he'd tell."

"Tell me what? What happend?" Luke asked worried.

"He and Ariana broke up a couple of days ago. He haven't left his bed since. Not even for food. Well, atleast not while I've been home. I've tried talking to him several times but he just lay there and stare into the wall. I feel really bad for him, he really loved her." Beau said. "So I'm happy you're home now, I think you're the only one who could cheer him up."

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've come home earlier!" Luke raised his voice.

"Don't yell at me for this! I thought he'd already told you! Besides I didn't wanna ruin your trip..."

"Nothing to ruin to be honest. It's boring without you guys. Oh and sorry I snapped at you, I'm a bit jet lag I guess."

"Aww Lukey of course it was boring without us, come here." Beau said as he pulled Luke into a hug.

"Ew that's enough haha..." Luke said as he pulled Beau away jokingly.

"Good to have you home, brother."

"Good to be back as well." Luke smiled at his older brother.

Daniel and James came racing down the stairs and group hugged me.

"Yay you're home!" Daniel shouted.

"We've missed you alot, thank God you're back!" James cheered.

I just smiled and hugged them back.

"I'm gonna go up to Jai and try talk to him." Luke said as he pulled of his shoes.

"Bring up some food for him while you're at it." Beau assured as he, James and Daniel were about to watch Orange is the New Black.

Luke nodded as he went into the kitchen to make Jai some sandwiches. He made is way up to the second floor, where he and Jai had their seperate rooms. Not like at home in Melbourne, where he and Jai shared a room.

He knocked on Jai's room and stuck his head in scanning over the room. He was not in there.

Luke walked over to his own room, thinking Jai probably was in there.

He opened the door to see Jai fumbled up as a ball on Luke's bed hugging Luke's pillow tightly, facing the wall.

"Go away Beau." Jai whimpered into his pillow making it almost impossible to hear.

"Hey," Luke said quitetly while closing the door after him.

"Luke?" Jai asked as he rolled over facing his brother at the doorway. "Why are you here?"

"I'm home." Luke smiled as he put down the plate with sandwiches.

Jai looked more shocked than ever.

Luke hurried over to Jai sitting down at the edge of his bed quickly pulling him in for a hug.

Jai didn't hesitate and hugged him back tightly.



First chapter! Please vote & tell me what you think in the comment bar (: New chapter is up soon.

Love y'all x

Twins with benefits - Luke and Jai (Jake) boyxboy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now