Chapter 6

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I walked into my room again where Jai sat scrolling on his phone in MY bed while eating MY cereal.

He put away the bowl and patted on the bed indicating me to climb up next to him.

"Come cuddle." He said innocent.

"I need to get ready." I sighted.

"Please, just a while." He whined.

How could i resist him.

"Fine, 5 minutes." I said.

I climbed into my bed and hovered my body over his. He smirked to me as I attacked him with kisses, making sure to leave some marks on his neck.

I sat down on his torso holding his hands back down on the sides of his head.

I scooped a bit backward so my butt pressed against his crotch.

I began pleasuring him by circling my weight on his crotch.

"Ahh fuck..." Jai moaned.

I could feel him getting hard underneath his towel.

"Now, if we're quick, maybe I can give you a surprise..." I smirked at him.

"Yes pleeease." Jai moaned.

I leant down to Jai's face as close as possible and whispered "Okay, but I need you to be quiet, don't make a sound. Or else we'll get caught."

"I'll try my best." He whispered back as his hot breath caressed over my face.

He leant up to kiss my lips and I kissed him back. He licked my lower lip asking for entrance.

I let him and the kiss got more passionate.

I ruffled my hands in his wet hair tugging at it making him moan into the kiss.

He tugged at my shirt and lifted it over my head, slightly interrupting our make out session.

He pulled me back down and continued kissing me.

"Luke I said we're leaving in 10... WHAT THE FUCK!" Beau yelled by the doorway.

Jai and I both sat up quickly and looked at Beau, probably looking like tomatoes.

"Beau, it's..." I stuttered.

But he'd already ran downstairs.

"I need to go down and explain, he probably think we're fucking sickos!"

"No just stay here, he'll understand. You can't leave me like this!" He said and pointed the boner I'd given him.

I didn't answer and stood up to get dressed. I grabbed a pair of jeans and quickly pulled them on.

I looked around for the shirt I'd worn to see Jai still holding it.

I snapped it out of his hands without looking at him.

I put it on and headed downstairs.

Beau was sitting on the couch, his face in his hands.

He had heard me come down the stairs. "Why do you think people call us gay all the time?! Making out with your fucking TWIN BROTHER! Do you even understand how wrong that is? And let's not even bring up what would happen if I didn't interrupted you guys!" I could tell he was pissed off.

I looked down on my hands, embarrased.

"Wait, that was why I heard Jai moan yesterday...?! You didn't play fifa, didn't you? DON'T TELL ME YOU GUYS...."

"We didn't have sex, Beau! We would never go that far!"

"When I told you to cheer him up I didn't mean it THAT way, dickhead! This is just... fucked up! You're both fucked up!"

He stood up and headed outdoors.

"I'm gonna do dare sundays with James and Daniel, you can go finish fucking your twin brother!" He shouted before the door smacked closed.

I just stood there speechless.

"I agree with Beau." Jai said as he came behind me and snaked his hands around my waist, making me jump.

His towel was sitting loose around his waist and his boner were poking my thigh.

"Fuck Jai you scared me." I breathed out.

"Come upstairs again. No one is home now..." He whispered into my ear while his chin rested on my shoulder. His fingers were drawing tiny circles on my torso, making my dick tingle.

"Didn't you hear what Beau just said? We're fucked up, Jai! We shouldn't do this and it's wrong." I said, not pushing him off me because I actually enjoyed this position.

"Who cares what Beau and everyone else says! They should start minding their own business! We just to what we like and what feels right for us. I don't know about you, but this feels really right to me."

"I guess you have a point." I mumbled.

He turned me around and smirked at me. "You wanna come upstairs now? My boner hurts."

"Actually," I said and sat down on the couch. Jai followed after me and sat down on my lap, facing me. One leg on each side of me.

"You wanna do it here?" Jai smirked.

"Umm... No. I was thinking we could take a day off the 'sexual actions' and maybe do normal brother things? Like... watching a movie?"

He looked kind of dissapointed and nodded "Sure, if that's what you want. But only if there's cuddles involved."

"Haha there's definitely a lot of cuddles involved, babe."

"Okay I guess I'm just gonna go upstais and... um yeah..." He pointed at his boner that was resting against my stomach underneath his towel.

He awkwardly stood up and walked over to the stairs.

He stood there a while before turning around "But what about my surprise?"

"Haha don't worry, you'll get it another day." I assured him.

A smile appeared on his face as he turned around and walked upstairs.

I felt a little bad for getting him exited this morning and not doing anything about it.

I brushed it off and logged into twitter to interact with the fans while waiting on Jai.

The fans trended the hashtag #WeLoveYouJai on twitter, which was super cute. I have to show him that when he comes back down.

In that moment I could hear Jai getting himself off. His moans chorused through the house. I could tell how easily Beau probably heard us yesterday.

I couldn't help but getting turned on by his moans.

I tried to focus on twitter, tweeting the fans back and replying to some dm's.

I could see some girls tweeting about how they were worried about Jai because he haven't tweeted in a week or so.

I decided to make a tweet saying; "@luke_brooks: Jai and I are gonna watch a movie now (: I just want you all to know that he's doing a lot better and he really appreciate your support. Thank you we love you alot <3".

I logged into Jai's twitter and RT'ed the tweet I just made. We always share passwords with each other, just in case.

I logged into my own user again and made another tweet saying; "Btw do you have any good movie suggestions? (:"

I got alot of replies, but one stood out. And it was from Beau.



New chapter! keep voting & commenting and i'll definitely update more often!

Shotout to @rrodrigues for voting & commenting from the very beginning! (: your books are a big inspiration to me, and i recommend everyone to check out her stories asap!

Thank u for the amazing feedback, i hope y'all are enjoying my book! love uu

Twins with benefits - Luke and Jai (Jake) boyxboy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now