Chapter 7

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Beau had tweeted; "@brooksbeau: @luke_brooks Just watch gayporn. I'm sure you'll both enjoy that."

Luckily the fans didn't suspect anything because we joke about this all the time.

At this moment I could hear Jai reaching his climax upstairs. He moaned loader than ever, now that no one else besides me is in the house.

I cursed under my breath as I felt my jeans tighten around my butt.

Suddently it got quiet up there and Jai came down seconds after.

"Hey." He said while buttoning up his jeans.

As he came closer I could see his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead.

"You can keep them off if you want, I don't mind... I mean I know you don't like wearing anything after..."

"Thanks, but I only take them off if you do it as well." He smiled putting his hands on my jeans.

He opened up the button on my jeans and tried pulling them down my legs.

"Jai... I can do it myself..."

He looked offended, but nodded pulling his hands away from me.

We pulled down our jeans and t-shirts, leaving us in only our boxers.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked him scrolling through our netflix.

"Umm... Stepbrothers?" He smiled. It was Jai's alltime favorite movie.

"Haha, why did I even ask. I'm just gonna go get us some snacks. Just press play, I'll be back in two."

He nodded and made himself comfortable.

I looked in the cabinets to see if we had any good snacks. I spotted a dorito pack and carried it back to the living room.

Jai lifted up his blanket, making more place for me to lay beside with him. I crawled underneath the blanket as Jai pulled me close to him.

Jai spooned me the whole time. The whole couch shaked everytime he lauged at the same jokes he always laughs at.

The movie finished and I turned around to meet with Jai's eyes. Even though I was the one who said no sexual actions today, I couldn't help but kiss his plump, pink lips.

His lips tasted like doritos.

He kissed back but I pulled away before it got too passionate.

"Have I done something wrong? Why won't you kiss me like you did yesterday? And now you suddenly don't wanna do anything 'sexual'. If it was something I did or said, I'm sorry." He sat up and pulled himself over to the opposite side on the couch from where I was sitting.

"No, you haven't done anything wrong. It's just... What Beau said this morning really got to me. I'm not gay, and I know for sure you're not either."

"You don't have to be gay to love your brother," He pointed out. "I guess you could say we're...friends with benefits. Twins with benefits."

I nodded. I guess he was right.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked him while scrolling through my twitter feed. It was only 2pm, so we had the whole day infront of us.

"You know damn right what I wanna do today." He smirked at me.

I ignored him and shrugged it off.

"You wanna go to the park for a walk?"

"I'd rather stay in here." Jai whined.

"C'mon, when was the last time you were outside the house?" I stood up and pulled Jai up after me.

Twins with benefits - Luke and Jai (Jake) boyxboy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now