Chapter 14

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Luke pulled out his hand from my pants. "First, we need to talk. You know, about the intimate stuff..." Luke mumbled.

"What about it?" I stuttered. We had talked about this before, where we clearly agreed on not having sex with each other. So I don't know what more there is to say about it.

Luke pulled himself up a bit, leaning his back on the headboard. I did the same.

"Well, I know we talked about... not having sex the other day... Well I thought maybe... Maybe uhm... I... Do we still agree on not doing it?" Luke mumbled looking down, fiddling with his hands.

"I don't know... Why?" I asked.

"Uhm... I thought that, since we're like... a couple now, maybe we should... you know, do it?" Luke stuttered. His cheeks were a shade of deep red.

His question made my stomach drop and my heart skip a few beats. I could feel my palms getting sweaty as well.

"That's up to you Luke. You were the one who backed out last time I wanted to do it. Because you weren't ready. Or like you said yourself, 'We can't because it's wrong. Brothers shouldn't do that.' Remember?" I said looking into his eyes.

"Yeah but, I thought that since we're now a couple, we should probably do it... I mean that's what couples do, right?" Luke said.

"I guess you have a point... But are you ready then? You're a... virgin, and you probably don't want your first time to be with a guy. And not just any guy, but your brother. Are you sure this is what you really want?" I asked.

"Yes. You're the only one I love, why would I do it with someone I don't love?" He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back.

"But who's going to do what?" Luke asked.

"Okay, well... since I'm the most experienced here, I'm not a virgin, and I know how to hold a steady rhythm without getting tired like you probably would, AND I don't get easily tired in bed, I'd say I top." I smirked.

"Hahaha, oh please. I should definitely top, I'm older and stronger than you. And I'm pretty sure my dick is bigger than yours." He laughed.

"Bullshit! I train way more stamina than you, all you do is sit on your laptop all day." I said.

"Don't think that only because you've done it before means that you know how to do it properly. Plus I'm not just sitting on my laptop all day, I watch porn! I know how sex works!" He said.

"Yeah, but you have never actually felt the greatness of sex and pleasure. That's is what I'm going to show you if you bottom." I smirked.

Luke groaned out loud in annoyance.

"Ugh, why can't just I top, I mean it's my first time and I obviously want to keep my own rhythm." He groaned.

"I'll be gentle, I promise. All you have to do is tell me when to slow down or speed up. It's easy." I told him.

"Nah fuck that, I don't wanna be the girl." Luke said and ran his hand through his hair.

"Fine, we'll see when that day comes." I sighed.



hi loves,
i'm sorry i haven't updates in literally _years_, i've just lost all interest writing this book. i first began writing this book in summer to kill some time while i was in london. like probably every single author on wattpad, i did not expect to get any reads at all. it was really fun in the beginning & getting the amazing feedback from u guys kept me motivated to update every single day. now i just don't have any time to update anymore. school is too much of a big deal right now & i have to apply for a school right after new years to attend next fall. i'm not saying i regret making this book, because i don't. i've talked to some of u here on messages & i've added a few of u guys on snapchat & u are so nice n sweet! also writing this book (plus reading books here on wattpad) actually made me improve my english, causing me to get HIGHEST SCORE on my english exam!! (:

anyways, tell me if u want me to continue this book or not. i need to know if u guys are still interested. also remember to vote & comment! thank u again xx ily all so so much

Twins with benefits - Luke and Jai (Jake) boyxboy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now