Chapter 2

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"I missed you so much." Jai mumbled into my chest. I pulled away from the hug to look at him. I put my hands on his shoulders studying his face.

"I missed you too. It wasn't the same without you guys." I smiled at him.

I could see his cheeks were stained with his dried tears from earlier.

"Luke, there's something I need to tell you..." Jai said breaking our eye-contact to look down on his hands.

"I know what happend between you and Ariana, you don't need to bring it up if it makes you sad." I assured him.

As soon as I mentioned her name I could see his eyes starting to tear up.

"Who told you?" Jai asked still not looking at me.

"Beau did."

"Why the fuck would Beau tell you this?! I wanted to tell you this, it's my personal life we're talking about!"

"He was worried about you, Jai! You didn't talk to him, you wouldn't even leave your bed for food!"

At this point Jai was already crying. I lifted up his chin almost forcing him to look at me.

"I know you loved her alot, but it's time for you to move on now."

Jai pushed my hand away from his chin and turned around to lie back in his bed, same position as before.

Minutes went past. I coughed slightly "I brought up some sandwiches for you..."

"Not hungry." Jai mumbled clearly pissed.

"Are you fucking stupid?! Not eating anything won't make it any better! When was the last time you ate?!"

Jai didn't react.

After some minutes he rolled over to face me. "I'm sorry, it's just hard you know? She... Cheated on me."

I wiped my thumb over his cheek catching a tear drop. "I know Jai, it's always hard to cope with heartbreaks... But I'm gonna help you get through this okay? I promise."

I leant down to his face to kiss his cheek in a brotherly kind of way, but without me even knowing I had accidentely leant down with my right hand on his crotch, making him moan quitely.

Before I even had kissed his cheek I sat up quickly looking at him not sure what to say... Even though that moan kind of turned me on.

What the fuck Luke, he's your twin brother!

I could tell he was embarassed because his face went completely red, avoiding eye contact with me.

I leant down again, kissed his cheek and put my right hand back on his crotch.

He looked at me "What are y... ahh" He moaned again as I began to palm him through his jeans.

"Luke, what are you doing?" Jai managed to say between moans.

"I'm making you feel better, what do you think I'm doing?" I said as if it was the most obvious answer ever. I put more pressure on his crotch making him moan even more.

Jai grabbed my wrist and held my hand still "Stop Luke! The boys are downstairs, what the hell should we say if we get caught, fucking idiot! Plus neither of us is gay, this is just... weird."

I smirked at him and continued palming him.

Jai grabbed my wrist again and tried to push my hand away, even though I could tell he didn't want me to stop.



Cliffhanger...? (; Don't worry, new chapter up tomorrow! I'll try update almost every day.

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Twins with benefits - Luke and Jai (Jake) boyxboy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now