Chapter 3

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I leant down to his face and started kissing him. Jai and I used to kiss serveral times when we were little, but only for fun.

It didn't take long before Jai finally gave in, kissing me back and his grip around my wrist started loosened up.

I pulled away from the kiss and locked my eyes with his while I traced my fingertips over the button on his jeans.

I unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them off him roughly and threw them on the floor.

I put both my hands on the hems of Jai's shirt, pulling it over his head. I traced my fingers over his abs making him shiver.

I hooket two fingers underneath the waistband on his boxers, my eyes meeting his waiting for his approval.

He nodded slowly and bit his lip. I began pulling down his boxers exposing his private parts.

He gasped quitely at the cold air attacking his lower area.

I pulled his boxers completely down and threw them on the floor where I'd thrown his jeans.

It started to get hot in here, so I pulled off my hoodie and shirt exposing my chest and arm tattoos. I took of my shorts as well leaving me in my boxers.

I sat back on his bed and licked my lips at the sight infront of me.

I wrapped my hand around the base of his dick and slowly slid upwards against the tip.

Jai grabbed my wrist again and stopped me from keep going. "Wait Luke, we shouldn't do this. We're brothers! What would the boys say if they caught us? What would the fans say?"

"Oh c'mon Jai! You worry too much. No one will find out. I'm just trying to cheer you up, I hate seeing you sad because it makes me sad as well. I just want you to be happy again."

"You're going to cheer me up my wanking me off?" Jai laughed.

"It's worth a try, huh?" I smirked at him.

"Well then, go on I guess..." He looked down blushing and removed his hand from my wrist.

I began wanking him off again slowly from base to tip.

He bucked his hips several times, making me loose my steady rhydhm.

I pushed his hips down with my other hand, holding them still.

I began my pumping him again but he wouldn't stop thrusting into my hand.

"Stop doing that! Fuck!" I shouted quietly.

He closed his eyes shut and pressed his head into the pillow behind him.

His hands gripped my bed sheets tightly along the sides of his body.

I slid my hand up and down his dick slowly. Everytime I came to the top I swirled my thumb around his tip and back down again.

I picked up the speed making his breath hitch. At this point Jai had squeezed his eyes closed.

"Oh my god... Ahh... Fuckk!" Jai moaned.

I began pumping his dick the fastest I possibly could.

"AHH FUCK... UGH!" Jai yelled out in pleasure.

"Shhh... Beau's downstairs...!" I told him but he kept moaning.

I kept pumping him faster and faster, watching his abs tense up. "Holy shit, ahh Luke go faster, I'm gonna cum!"

I stopped wanking him making him loose his temper. "WHAT THE FUCK LUKE?!"

"Woah chill... And everyone says I have a short temper, you have fucking anger management issues." I raised my hands to defend myself.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! WHY DID YOU STOP?!" Jai yelled. I'm pretty sure Beau could hear him from downstairs.

"Well, becau..." I began before I got interrupted by loud banging on the door.

"What the hell is happening in there?!" Beau yelled rather worried.




Also thank u soo much for the positive feedback in the comment bar & to everyone who is voting! It really motivates me to update more often (:

Love u all <3

Twins with benefits - Luke and Jai (Jake) boyxboy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now