How This Book Is Organized

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So change of plans

Have a page about the organization of the book because..I don't know, I just feel like I need this. It probably won't end up being that important in the long run though lmao (edit: I was right lol)

Titles with a character name- My human design for them, plus headcannoned facts about said character

Titles with two or more character names- Headcanons between two or more characters

Anything with the word 'AU'- BOTO AU, most likely accompanied with pictures

Anything with the word 'shitpost'- Art or writing I don't have a title for

Any other combination of words- Art or writing I have a title for

A title with a number- Somehow connected to a chapter of the same title

Asterisks(*Title*)- Suggestive dialog

Exclamations (!Title!)- Mature content, may be triggering or not suitable for younger people

Any time I mention a user- The idea for the chapter was inspired by said user

Any time I say 'Dancer'- Referring to @LightDancer365

This page may change eventually, but don't count on it lol

Bye, love you ;0 <333

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