BOTO But as Vines 2

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Shieldy: Hey, what's up girl-

Party Hat: Girl, you look fierce today, we love it-!

Shieldy: What are you doing!?

Party Hat: If you get a girlfriend, you won't have time for me, man.

Shieldy: ..what do you mEAN-


Baguette: You are my dad,*a picture of Croissant comes up* you're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!


Pizza: Today, I'm gonna teach you how to face your fears! Now the first step to facing your fears is-

*Episode 4 challenge*

Pizza: aAAA-


*Final Five are at a table*

Controlly: Storytime- In every group of friends, there's the dumb one.

Party Hat, Pizza, Hot Dog, Shelly:*points to Shieldy*

Shieldy: ..really?


*Early BOTO episodes*

Rook: Let me hop out the *plays piano* porsche

Scissors: Shut the *piano key* up-


Hacker: You ready to fucking die!?

Shieldy: Ah- I'm a bad boy, you can't kill me!

Hacker: ..bI-


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