Being Happy

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The next morning Harley, Gemma and Luann were at the hospital waiting for Tara to come give them an update on baby Able. Haley was looking down at her phone at a text from Happy letting her know that he should be coming back up to Charming within the week. Pushing down the feelings bubbling in her stomach, she put her phone in her back pocket as Tara walked quickly towards them.

"Able's stomach surgery went well." Tara smiled to them before continuing quickly. "But it's putting a strain on his system. Dr. Namid doesn't want to wait. Thinks we should do the heart surgery now."

"That's good right?" Gemma asked, not quite understanding. "That they're not waiting?"

"It's the best choice, yes." She responds before turning to Harley. "Can we talk?"

She shot a wary glance towards Gemma and Luann, and nodded and followed the Doctor as she started walking down the hall. "What's up doc?" She smirked at her own bad joke.

"Wendy's in really bad shape." She said. "She's still detoxing, can't stop crying."

"And?" Not really seeing the reason she should care about some junkie who nearly killed an innocent little baby.

"I was hoping maybe you could talk to her." She said, nervousness creeping into her voice through her tough front. "Just let her know she's not alone.

"Trust me." She scoffed, crossing her arms and taking a step forward. "Nothing I'm gonna say to that crank whore is gonna make her feel loved."

"Forgot just how forthright you can be, even as a child." Tara scoffed, shaking her head and pushing her hair out of her face.

Furrowing her brow, not appreciating the superuir tone of the Doctors voice. "You forgot a lot of things, sweetheart." She said threateningly.

"If you have a problem with me assisting on Able's case just say so." She snapped, getting tired of the go round.

"You a good Doctor?" Harley snapped, ready to be done talking to this bitch.


"Then I don't have a problem." She said crossing her arms.

"Good." she snapped. "You know, people change. I'm not the same girl I was 10 years ago.

"Well I'm much worse than that little girl you knew 10 years ago." She  replied calmly, before leaning forward quickly, snatching up the back of Tara's shirt relieving the large crow tramp stamp. Smirking, she nodded towards the woman. "I guess there's somethings you cant change."

"I leave it there so I remember all that shit's behind me." Tara snapped, clearly annoyed with Harley's forwardness.

"Forgot just how clever you can be." She snapped before turning on her heels and marching back down the hall where Gemma and Luann are waiting. "Bitch." She mumbled to herself.


Rolling into the parking lot of TM with the music up and her windows down, Harley was singing at the top of her lungs causing a few people to stop what they were doing and watch the girl and she cut she engine and jumps out the drivers seat, still singing, dancing her way to the back to take out the large basket of muffins she baked for the guys earlier. 

"There we go boys!" Harley announced setting the basket of goodies on the table.

She was greeted with a chourus of 'morning harls' and 'hey darlin's' followed by sever hugs and kisses.

"Oh these muffins are great with tequila, sweetheart." Piney told her, grabbing two for himself, while she just rolls her eyes and kisses his cheek. 

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