"The rainy days would only muzzle the internal conflict that ensued.
Delusional conviction,
Sanctimonious self belief...All lies.
Blowing steam at the face of fate and playing chicken with destiny.
Painting a black canvas with different shades of black hoping that it would all turn white.
Reading the same book over and over hoping that it would end differently, because the chapters are rearranged once in a while.
Let go."Sometimes you have you let go of the good to make way for the great"
-AnonymousSmoothly paddling along the current of the stream of time.
It took only a single ray of cloud-piercing sunlight to end the war within.
Sunshine in the rain.
Optimistic Anticipation.
Inner peace.An epiphany.
Picking up a new book with blank pages to write my own story.
"I had strings but now I'm free...I have no strings on me"
-James Spader,as 'Ultron'A facade broken as if a thick white is veil removed from a distraught bride.
Free from the guise of selfless self destruction.
Violently escaping from a shadow of peace in violence to find true peace.
Wrath and fury morphed into serenity and tranquility.
Why breathe with dragons when you know you are a frost giant?
Burning the black canvas and hanging up a white one.
And one slow brush stroke at time, the damage is undone. Demons tamed.
A bland off colour world slowly changing to one that is in different shades of white, ready to be re-colourised.
To give me a whole new Kaleidoscope of life."-Author