Chapter 2

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The boys all chuckled a little but the room was very tense at the moment so it was awkward. Harry grabbed his favorite extension cord and did what the note instructed. "Oooh!" said Louis, punching Liam in the shoulder. The screen flickered and went static for a few brisk moments until James' face appeared on the little screen! "Boys! I hope you can hear me! Listen there's not a lot of time! I hope you're all there, 1D, 5SOS, Eddie, Taylor, Shawn, you guys are some of the most powerful people in pop right now! But it's not enough!! As I said I don't have much time until they get me too! You'll find labeled headbands at the bottom of the box, put them on right away! They'll protect you. Oh AND-" The video flickered out before James could finish his thought. "Well go on then! Pass the bands around!" Mikey said excitedly to start the journey. The boys and Miss Taylor placed the bands carefully over their nice hairs. "He said these'll like give us protection or something?" Louis asked excitedly. Harry smirked. All of the sudden, Eddie's headband started glowing, Taylor's started shortly after. Just then, the two got superhero outfits! "What?! You guys look so cool" Harry clapped, "Why don't we get them?" He then asked. "Because Taylor and Ed are the most powerful of you lot, and by the way, this is James speaking with you telepathically through your headbands oooh!" James said. Shawn was the next to receive a cool suit. Everyone excitedly awaited their suits, but they were also kinda sad that they weren't the most powerful :( Harry finally got his suit "Alright, fourth place isn't so bad then" he smiled. Louis got a BEAUTIFUL skin-tight suit. Everyone would want to smack that. After a few minutes had passed, Liam was the only one yet to have a suit "OH COME ON" he shouted.

"Alright lads and lassies, are you listening? I've got VERY important instructions for you. Now you've got to get to Ontario fast, there are two important members to your team with the information I haven't figured out yet." said James. Louis raised his hand to ask James a question. "Louis you idjut, he can't see you- tsk tsk- Louis has a question," Zayn said. "Do we get superpowers? I want superpowers" Louis asked, glaring at Zayn's rude face. "Of course! You're gonna need them in the near future" James said happily. "Siiick," Lou said. "I wanna be Tommo the Freeze" Louis threw a Fabio and his new ice powers froze a patch on the floor. He jumped in shock. "Harry, did you see that? Look look!" Louis froze another icy patch on the carpet. "Boys Boys, there's no time to dally like a Little Bill! Your bionic uber should be outside to pick you up, hop in right away!" 

The Gang all squished into the car.  "Strap in everybody, this car is automatic, systematic, it's hyyydromantic". The uber driver began. "Keep talkin' woooah keep talkin!" Lou and Harry sang. They fist bumped. Grease gang.  "Ok but seriously, normally, it would take us 48 hours to get to Ontario, but this car travels at one hour per minute!" the driver said. there was a collective sigh. "Oh come on it's not that bad! We could just take two days if ya want!" Everyone shutted up til Taylor got the party started up again with the party playlist.

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