Chapter 3

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Undeniable Chapter 3

I woke up with the blinds and curtains opened. I glanced around with my vision looking hazy and fuzzy. Rubbing my eyes I got up to walk to the bathroom.

“Gah! Privacy woman! Come on, now!” I heard someone yell as I tried to open the door halfway. Crap! I forgot my friends were still here!

“I’m sorry! I forgot! Crap, I’m sorry!” I still don’t know who I was apologizing to.

“Good morning, Chang Chang!” Oh well I owe an apology to Daisy, then.

“Hey, Shang Shang!” Our Asian names were actually not that cultural and to all Asians who are offended, I apologize. I still have no idea how we came up with those names. It’s just one of those things that happened and stuck with us. I was Chang Chang; Jerry was Shang Shang; and Daisy was Lang Lang. Interestingly weird, right?

“Why was Daisy yelling?”

“I accidentally opened the door on her while she is in the bathroom because I was groggy when I woke up.” My inability to remember things as I first woke up was hilarious. I’ve done that kind of thing before only it was in someone else’s house, not mine.

I heard Daisy come back down the stairs with a devious look on her face. I could tell she was still frustrated with me. So to make her smile, I smirked, which got her to laugh and slightly push me. She pushes like a marshmallow pillow. I felt really bad about invading her privacy.

“At least I didn’t see anything! My eyes weren’t open!”

“Oh, well that makes it better!” I couldn’t tell whether she was being honest or sarcastic so I let it drop. I looked to the kitchen and followed food’s call to me. It was begging for me to go and eat.

I ended up cooking waffles for the three of us and made sure to cut up strawberries to put on top, along with crushed almonds, whip cream, and cinnamon. I was starving by the time they were even done. I cook for guests first.

I told Jerry to hook up some music to my stereo because she listens to some amazing Greek and Serbian music. She’s from Bulgaria so anything foreign interests her. Her taste in music was fantastic, though! She had some alternative, dance, techno, rock, and basically one song from each genre besides country. Apparently, she hates country music but I don’t get why? It’s not that bad. Well- some of it actually is but some of it is pretty good.

She put on (surprise surprise!) Greek dance music which was fine by me. I like anything out there- even the stuff I don’t know the language to.

“So what do you want to do today?” Daisy asks us.

“I don’t know. Maybe we can go to the park?” I suggested? There’s one right down the street since there was a middle school there too. It was small but the field was big and beautiful.

“Sounds fun!” Daisy commented. “Let’s go!”

“I just started eating!” I complained.

“Yeah let her eat and then we’ll go. Plus, I want to listen to music for a bit while she eats,” Jerry comments. Daisy nodded and went to lay on my couch. She’s lazy sometimes, so she basically lays down wherever, whenever, as long as it’s not in public. I continued eating and Elena danced around my house, trying to motivate Daisy to get up off her lazy butt. No impact, whatsoever.

The waffles were so amazing, especially with everything I put on top! Now, I normally don’t like eating fruit on or mixed with anything related to breakfast or dessert. It’s usually gross. Whereas if it is fresh cut and not mixed with anything, it turns out fantastic.

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