Chapter 8

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 This chapter is honestly really short, compared to what I am capable of but I want to extend as much as  I can. I decided this will be a short story. 12 Chapters max.

Undeniable Chapter 8

I stood there in silence, hoping that what was about to come out of his mouth was something decently good. I didn’t care if it was bad news, just so long as I wasn’t broken all over again.

Looking into his eyes, I heard his emotion without him saying any words at all.



Pain? I don’t know.

I would hope he held a lot of emotion after me spilling my freaking heart out. My heart is bloodless at this point, with everything that I spilled.

“Geena, hey. Look at me. You’re distancing yourself.” Was I? I hadn’t even noticed I started to look away. Then again, I didn’t even notice my eyes were starting to fill up with the salt water tears that defied my mind. I debated inside whether or not to look at him. If I did, he could see my vulnerability but I might lose any hope left that I had. If I didn’t, I’d still lose hope, we couldn’t properly talk, but my chances of losing my composure deplete.

Screw it. I turn my face to look back up to him, begging my tears not to fall. Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall. Please don’t fall.

He still had all the emotions but I could tell he wanted to hide everything from peripheral view. I was just glad everyone else was in class and we were left alone, walking in the empty hallways. That kind of scared me too, because what if something went wrong? I had no one to turn to and cry on. There’s Jerry but I wouldn’t want to walk all that way. I’d just want to fall on the floor and bawl. Maybe I’d run to the bathroom and break down in a stall.

“Geena. I don’t know how to say what I want to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, Draco. I didn’t tell you- my- y- story to get a response. I don’t expect anything fro- om you. I don’t deserve it. So if you can’t s- say it, let’s forget everything I’ve said.” My voice was weak and wobbly. Hopefully, it wouldn’t continue.

“Geena, you need to stop talking for one moment. You’ve spent the last ten minutes talking; now it’s my turn,” he said and I just shut up, stopping dead in my tracks. Still, he stood there and said nothing. My anxiety and fear for the next few minutes were taking a toll on me. I was getting weak in my legs and wanted to collapse.

Minutes and minutes passed by and soon, five more minutes were wasted. I can’t do this.

“Look, don’t say anything. It’s not a big deal- really. Don’t worry about it. I’ll come to terms with it eventually, trust me.” I began to walk away and took the first step back to position myself where my back was to him and swirled around slowly. I took two steps and felt pressure in my upper left arm. I twirled back around quickly and saw that Draco had grabbed my arm tightly, to which he still hadn’t let go.

I looked at his hand wrapped around my arm and I internally shivered. If only he knew how much I enjoyed that feeling. Sparks rustled and shot my veins where his hand touched me. I lifted just my eyes and showered him with a look I hope he couldn’t interpret. Then he’d see what I’m thinking. And that doesn’t need to happen.

“Look will you just wait? I’m trying here! I don’t know how to put this into words. No one opens up to me like that and tells me everything in a story so emotional as what you just poured on me. That did a lot for me. And I don’t know how to tell you what I want to,” his voice wavered a little bit but was overall strong and confused. He honestly didn’t know what to say, and I could see it in his eyes.

“So just start with something. Anything, at this point. Good or bad. Because I’m on the verge of breaking down and you’re staring at me, not saying anything. How do you expect me to feel?” I kind of yelled but still kept quiet, not wanting people in the classrooms to hear our conversation.

“I just want you to be patient! I haven’t been-,” he starts but I cut him off.

“I’m trying to be patient! I really am but-,”

“No! Stop! Let me finish! I haven’t been completely honest!”

“I’m sorry, what?” I blink quickly and cock my head to pop my ear out.

“I haven’t been honest. I want you to listen to me because here comes my story…”

I swallow hard and blink faster. Am I dreaming?

“No you are not dreaming. This is as real as you and I both are.”

Damn it, I should not say my thoughts out loud.

“Okay here comes my story.”

And I am waiting patiently as he begins talking, just like I did. 

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