caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
CA: ...
CA: hi?
KANKRI: Hell9 there
CA: wwhale this is fuckin..... wwho are you?
KANKRI: I am kankri vantas if y9u really must kn9w. 6ut I think I c9uld 6e asking a similar 9r even may6e the same questi9n t9 y9u. I h9pe y9u d9n't mind me saying, 6ut y9u l99k quite familiar.
CA: oh right
CA: i am eridan ampora prince of hope at your servvice
CA: i might remember you of cro huh?
KANKRI: If we are giving 9ut tier titles, than I am the seer 9f 6l99d, and I am happy t9 meet y9u. And as a matter 9f fact, yes.
CA: couldn't blame ya that asshole has hit on me a million times anywwavves i wwas just pointin out my royalty so you wwould knoww that
KANKRI: 9h well y9u kn9w, p9inting 9ut such a thing c9uld 6e triggering t9 9thers
CA: mhm? wwhale explain to me howw pointin out simple tier titles could be triggerin? hm, wwait i get it, they wwould probably feel loww? yeah
KANKRI: Well yes, y9u g9t that very c9rrect. They might already naturally 6e feeling l9w f9r a title they are 69rn with. 6ut p9inting it 9ut c9uld lead t9 many self esteem issues 9r simply feeling pity f9r themselves f9r n9t 6eing a situati9n such as y9u.
CA: wwhale i wwouldn't blame them bein the prince of fukin hope is glubbin awwesome, like me
CA: evven though there wwas no hope to begin wwith
KANKRI: N9 h9pe t9 6egin with? Are y9u referring t9 y9ur sessi9n?
CA: yes yes
CA: fuckin rubbish
KANKRI: Well y9u are the prince 9f h9pe, sh9uldn't y9u 6e keeping a m9re p9sitive 9utl99k 9n such matters?
CA: wwhale as the prince of hope i wwas uniquely qualified to knoww wwhen all hope wwould havve been lost, evven though i wwas rejected since day one, you think that wwould havve made me wwant to keep positivve?
KANKRI: Well that's what h9pe is all a69ut. Keeping p9sitive in the situati9ns that seem the m9st h9peless
CA: i guess you are makin a point, you're makin me feel like i am not suit for such a title too..
KANKRI: 9h g9sh I am quite s9rry. I didn't mean t9 make y9u feel 6ad in anyway. I just th9ught id let y9u kn9w this f9r future reference and t9 teach y9u, 9r atleast let y9u kn9w my ideas 9n the su6ject. I'm sure y9u can 6e a w9nderful prince 9f h9pe.
CA: it's quite alright no need for the dilemma, as the prince of hope i'll try to act more like one since you knoww howw thins go better than me and wwhale i am enjoyin this talk, since i FINALLY am talkin to someone.
KANKRI: 9h I'm very happy y9u're enj9ying a c9nversati9n with me. It's nice having a g99d listener. Y9u are very g99d at that if I must say s9. D9 y9u have a hard time finding. Partners t9 speak with as well?
CA: yes, they either don't wwant to talk to me because they think i'll brin quadrant shit up or they think i'm gonna wwhine about pailin, the only reason i wwas desperate for so to happen wwas because i found out if you don't fill quadrants you'll be the first one to be culled..
"MSPARP" advventures wwith Eridan
RandomI havve had the most wweird convversations some I might not be Eridan but he's included so it counts! -Admin.