caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
Alfred F. Jones [America] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
America: Sup broski!
CA: er.. greetins?
America: I'm Alfred ! but you can call me America!
America: OR THE HERO
CA: huh.. wwhat exactly are you? oh
an i'm Eridan Ampora..CA: prince a fuckin hope
America: Well I'm the hero! and I'm not exactly human
America: buuut let's not go into thats
CA: huh..
CA: wweird
CA: but alright
CA: i don't care anywways
America: so your a prince?
CA: mhm as i recall i said
CA: a hope actually
America: That's cool ! I'm better but whatevs
CA: an wwhat makes you fuckin think that?
CA: wwoww
CA: your ego is wworst than cro's
America: Because I'm the hero who saves the day
America: FREEDOM
CA: that's fuckin pathetic
America: How?!
CA: because the only thin that'd matter in the end wwill be yourself
CA: plus
CA: people are ungrateful fucks
America: I never thought about it that way....but I serve this great nation by choice
America: and I'm hella proud of it to
CA: an wwhat's that choice?
CA: sounds stupid
America: I could have just staken under ruled by England.
America: but I wanted to be independent
America: I wanted to be free
CA: keep goin
America: My own country!
CA: evven if i don't knoww wwhat an 'england' is..
America: England is a country bro
CA: the hell is a country?
America: A nation!
CA: agh
CA: a nation
CA: i'd commit genocide
America: Your additude sucks
America: worst than England
CA: your wway a livvin sucks
America: How!?
CA: suckin howw else
CA: jegus
America: But I'm still the Hero soooo HA
CA: you're still lame
CA: so
CA: sign right off to hell
America: Will do!
CA: thank cod fuckin hetalia people
Alfred F. Jones [America] disconnected.
caligulasAquarius [CA] disconnected
"MSPARP" advventures wwith Eridan
De TodoI havve had the most wweird convversations some I might not be Eridan but he's included so it counts! -Admin.