Buff!Naked!terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
CA: holy shit
TC: HeY ErIdAn
TC: So i aTe mY ClOtHeS!
CA: ...i wwas gonna insult you but fuck that off the list
TC: :o)
TC: WeLl tHaNkS BrO!
CA: i'm sooo fuckin triggered right noww gam.
TC: WoAh aRe yOu kArKaT'S AnCeStOr aLl oF A SuDdEn?
CA: my eyes are goin places i can't-- no, but i am just sayin
TC: WeLl dO YoU HaVe sOmE MoThEr fUcKiNg cLoThEs i cOuLd bOrRoW?
CA: nope. *he does but eh, nah naked gamzee sounds better to him* my clothes wwouldn't fit you
TC: Oh yEaH
TC: FoRgOt hEh yOu'rE MoThErFuCkInG TiNy!
CA: also.. wwhy the hell did you eat your clothes?
CA: an excuse you
TC: I WaS HuNgRy
CA: i am fivve feet tall of shut the fuck up.
TC: Im lIkE 6'3
CA: ohh stop rubbin it on my face. *he crossed his arms* anywways, you could havve eaten somethin else.
TC: No tHeY LoOkEd tOo tAsTy tO PaSs uP!
CA: jegus, you find your clothes tasty? howw about mine? *tilts head*
TC: UhH *ScAnS ClOtHiNg* No sLiMe sOoO NoPe
CA: eww that toxic shit.. seriously, you need to stop eatin it.
TC: UhH I DoNt kNoW ItS ToO TaStY
CA: i believve there are other more delicious thins in the wworld.
TC: NoT ThAt i kNoW Of!
CA: wwell, ya need to find it
TC: Oh uHh i'lL TrY!
CA: right back at ya. but uh, wwhat noww exactly? convversation wwent from flirtin to toxicity that you called food.
TC: WhAt?wElL I DoNt tHiNk yOuR cLoThEs lOoK TaStY So i gUeSs tHaTs hOw iT LeAd tHeRe?
CA: *he looks at his clothes* oh yeah right, my clothes.
TC: SoO *FlIcKs hEaD* YoU FeLl fOr iT! *AbScOnDs hOnKiNg*
Buff!Naked!terminallyCapricious [TC] disconnected.
CA: fuckin asshole.
caligulasAquarium disconnected [CA]
"MSPARP" advventures wwith Eridan
РазноеI havve had the most wweird convversations some I might not be Eridan but he's included so it counts! -Admin.