#5 gam!

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caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~

terminallyCapricious [TC] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~

TC: SuP! :O)

CA: oh hey gam

TC: ErIdAn!!! MaN It's bE FoReVeR BrO!

CA: *grins slightly* it's good to sea ya too gam

TC: So wHaT HaVe yA AlL Up aNd bEeN DoInG? *SmIlEs*

CA: oh you knoww doin the do- nofin..

CA: howw about you?

TC: AwWw yOu kInDa sEeM UpSeT BrO, wHaT'S WrOnG?

TC: WaIt.... wHaT?! WiTh wHo?!

CA: hm? oh pfff- no one gam, i am more alone than a fuckin clam

TC: YoU ArE? :O( aWwW I'M SoRrY ErIdAn

CA: but since you're here i technically am not! *awwkwward chuckle* but yeah..

TC: WhY ArE Ya aLoNe nOw eRiBrO?

CA: wwhale i feel empty ya knoww?

TC: Is tHiS CuZ FeFsIs kInDa...

CA: oh

CA: fef....

CA: *tears up* yeah her

TC: Ah sHiT MaN I'M SoRrY! i dIdN'T MeAn tA MaKe yOu uPsEt! *gIvEs yOu a hUg*

CA: *sniffles quietly, an rubs his eyes* it's fin...

TC: I'M StIlL SoRrY BrO. *RuBs yOuR BaCk*

CA: *hugged back rather hesitant thinking he'll be pushed awway* o-okay..

TC: I'M GoInG To hElP BrO. i kNoW I CaN'T Be lIkE HeR. bUt i wIlL Be tHeRe fOr yOu eRiBrO. *GrInS*

CA: *looks up at him and crookedly smiles sadly* th-thanks gam.. your kindness has no boundaries

TC: *sMiLeS* nOw sToP Ya cRyIn bRo, YoU'Ll fOf uP YoU'Re gLaSsEs

CA: oh my, your right *he takes his glasses off and wwipes the fog of them due to his crying*

TC: Ya, I FiGuReD Ya wOuLd wAnT To aLl uP AnD SeE StUfF.

CA: mhm like wwhat kind of stuff? *puts his glasses back on if not he wwould be seeing blurry*

TC: *sMiLeS* aLl tHe mIrCaLs lIfE MoThErFuCkInG GiVeS Ya

CA: miracles huh? *he raised an eyebroww*

TC: Ya! ThE LiTtLe tHiNgS In lIfE ThAt mAkE Ya hApPy :O)

CA: that sounds sort of... nice but i wwish to not do blasphemy

TC: BlAsPhEmY? hOw wOuLd yOu bE DoInG ThAt?

CA: you havve your owwn cod i havve my owwn cod.. messiahs don't wwork for me

CA: angels do

TC: I SeE, wElL... tHeN I GuEsS A MiReCaL Is sOmEtHiNg aN AnGeL GiVeS YoU

CA: probably gam evven though i fuckin culled them

TC: Ha, JuSt pRoMiSe mE ThAt yOu wIlL TrY AnD AlL Up aNd mAkE YoUrSeLf hApPy oKaY? dOeSn't mAtTeR WhAt yA Do aS LoNg aS It mAkEs yA HaPpY

CA: wwhy.. wwhy do you care about my happiness gam? not sayin i havve anyfin against it because it's swweet and evveryfin but.. i am just wwonderin

TC: HaHa aLwAyS DiD BrO! i dOn't kNoW I FeLt tHe nEeD To tRy aNd mAkE PeOpLe hApPy. BuT I KnOw i cAn't mAkE EvErYoNe hApPy; BuT If i dId iT To oNe pErSoN, tHaT WoUlD Be eNoUgH FoR Me *SmIlEs*

CA: ... you knoww... you're a reely fuckin nice troll gam... i don't sea wwhy kar ranted on your ass all the time

TC: Ha kArBrO JuSt mOtHeRfUcKiN Is jUsT AnGrY AnD ThAt's oKaY

CA: let me guess; his anger and wway of bein is "one hell of a motherfuckin miracle"

TC: HaHa, ExAcUaLy! EvErYtHiNg iS FuLl oF MiRaClEs bRo, Ya jUsT GuNnA SeE Em, Ya fEeL Me?

CA: blah- yes i feel you, not in that wway of course

TC: HaHa! YoU GoT A DiRtY ThInK PaN MaN!

CA: comes in handy *snickered a bit*

TC: *lAuGhS* tHeRe hE Is! ThErE'S ThE ErIdAn i kNoW

CA: *smiled slightly vviolet blush dusting on his face* hehe glub

TC: GlUb gLuB? *He cHuKlEs*

CA: honk honk? *tilts head*

TC: *lAuGhS* gLuB GlUb, GlUb gLuB, gLuBiN GlUb

CA: honk honk honkity honk? I'm not evven shore wwhere that came from. *laughed*

TC: *lAuGhS* sAmE HeRe bRo, BuT I MuSt sAy, YoUr gOiNg aT HoNkInG

CA: wwhy i must say yer a good glubber gam *chuckled* honkin is sort of goofy in my opinion.... i like it

TC: Me tOo, BeInG GoOfY Is fUnNy, No oNe eXpEcTs yA To bE SeRiOuS :o)

CA: you havve to take somefins in life serious though, gam

TC: HmM.... *lAuGhS* nOpE!

CA: seriously gam? *chuckled wwith his arms crossed*

TC: Ya bRo! ThInKs aRe sImPlEr iN LiFe wHeN YoU DoN'T TaKe tHiNgS SeRiOuSlY AnD BeInG StReSsEd oUt aLl tHe mOtHeRfUcKiN TiMe

CA: *thinks about it actually* i stress a lot so.. you havve a point

TC: SeE! (( I HaVe tO Go eAt dInNeR BuT It wAs sO NiCe cHaTtInG WiTh yOu! YoU HoNeStLy mAdE My dAy ^^ HoPeFuLlY I WiLl sEe yOu aGaIn, GoOd bYe!))

CA: wwhale i suddenly feel special here.))

TC: ((HaHa YoU sHoUlD, bYe.))

CA: byeeee! ;w; ))

terminallyCapricious [TC] disconnected.

caligulasAquarium [CA] disconnected

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