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I started walking and tried to find if someone was around.

I was so surprised to see how big this palace is.

I never saw this from the outside nor the inside. I was thinking in my mind of how I will be able to remember all the places properly because like it's not that easy to remember such a huge place in just a few days.

I kept thinking about how they keep this place maintained and clean. How many maids are here?

But I'm just a girl who needs some money and shelter.

I mostly avoid talking to vampires because I'm not that social and the fact that I've not had a friend in my life. I've hated vampires ever since that day.

But now my situation is that I'm going to work for the king. Just great!!

Sometimes, I really wonder just if I either had my parents or my sibling to take care of me and be there for me but fate went against me and took both away.

I went to different places and truth to be told I know that I'm lost. 

I'm lost at a place where I know no one, where every moment is a threat and so on.

I might look a little tense but in the inside I'm freaking out!!

The advantage is that all the rooms and patterns are different so it is actually very easy to understand and so maybe one day you get the hang of it.

I kept walking straight.

And that's when I heard a voice that had come to save me from this confusion.

"Excuse me, you look lost. Do you need some help?"

I turned around a little surprised from the sudden voice. When I did I saw an orange haired girl in a maid's uniform.

I bowed a little and she did the same.

"Actually yes ,I need some help around here. I'm sort of lost."

"Oh how can I help you?" she said with a little smile.

"I'm here to apply for the job of a maid over here. I need to find some one as well." I asked her looking around.

"You want to work here?"

"Y-Yes "

"Okay, and who do you need to find?"

"U-um I only know the starting of her name." I looked towards the floor as it was hella embarrassing. "Sor-rry."

"It's okay. You can tell me that I'll find a way."

"Her name started with La...and the I don't remember."

She looked at me for a second and suddenly spoke "Do you mean Lalisa?"

And that's when I realised that it was the name he said to find.

"Yes!! Can you please lead me to her?!"

At first she giggled.
"There's no need to find her."

I think she saw the confusion on my face. 

"By that I mean that I am Lalisa, the girl who are looking for."

"Oh-oh." I bowed down to greet her.
"One of the guards told me to find you because-"

"I already figured that out. Now just follow me and I will sho you around."

She started walking and I started following her.

Gezz!! How much do I have to walk today!?

"What's you name by the way?" she asked me while walking.

"My name is Lee Y/n."

"That's a beautiful name. Well as you already know my name is Lalisa but you can call me Lisa."

I nodded my head.

"Welcome to the group Y/n..."

I looked at her confused but then turned back to normal.

I felt a little weirded out.

I just hope this job goes well without any threats.


Thanks for reading guys.

Loveallofyaa ❤️

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