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It just felt like I found someone to talk to. At least I won't be a total loner.

Then Lisa distracted me from my thoughts by saying. "As your make up is done, let's go to Jisoo to fill your details."

"Okay." Saying that I nodded my head.

"Oh." Lisa said while looking towards me "so if you feel uncomfortable telling anything or about anyone then you tell us. We'll understand. Just don't force yourself okay?"

I got a little shocked by her blunt reaction. "O-okay. Thank you for taking care of me."

She gave me a genuine smile and started walking and as usual I followed behind her.

"So where are we going?" I asked Lisa so break the silence between us.

"Well we are going towards the main hall where we clean the most as it is a big place. We'll find Jisoo over there and maybe if you agree then you can start helping from today."


Silence fell between us again.

"So...." I heard Lisa say in such a tone.


"Are you willing to start working today?"

"Of course! I'm ready."

"You sure?"

"Yes. I'm very confident."

"And very shy." She said in a taunting tone.


She laughs again and I surprisingly join her.

"Well that's the truth."


"I think that's enough. We reached the hall."

We entered a big hall. When I saw the interior I was a little shocked. Like it was so big that it was so many times bigger than my house.

The architecture was awesome and beautiful. It was so beautiful that I could stare at it all day. But what actually caught my attention was a gold statue of someone.

As curiosity got the best of me I asked Lisa who was standing beside me.

"Excuse me but who's statue is that? "

"Oh it is of the first king who started peace between humans and vampires. It's was made to make people and vampires remember the peace and equality between them."

"Wow.." I was speechless.

"Yes I understand it's a amazing."

"Like how old is this statue?"

"Well it was made at least 45 million years ago."


"Yes, even though it is said that there is peace but at some places it is not so. Lucky for us it's still clean. Oh and you know what! It's made out of pure gold."

"Pure gold?!"

"Yes, well this statue was made in the memory of the old king. Before the society was like vampires are superior than humans. Then the king sorted out things and peace was brought between the two. Till the day the king died all the humans lived with no fear and trouble. But once the  king died the society turned a little worse. The king's tried to work this situation out but it was not possible by them. But now our present king has done more than the other kings have done in their lives. He is trying to bring the peace back."

"Our present king? Oh...... wait" I feel so embarrassed and stupid for not knowing this.

Lisa first stared at me and then spoke "Is something wrong? Your checks turned red. Why are you embarrassed?"

"Hm it's just a random question!"

Judging the look on Lisa's face she looked very confused "Okay no problem."

"What is our king's name?"

I was going to work for him. Clean his palace and live in his palace and I didn't know the king's name!

Lisa looked at me and started laughing.

Oh how uncomfortable I feel!!

"It's okay. It's nothing to get so flustered about but you look so cute."

"Please answer my question!"

"Yes I will. His name is Kim Taehyung...."

Suddenly Lisa's face turned serious. She looked at me with such a serious face and tone that it scared me at first.

"But never and I mean never call him by his real name. Always call him 'My king' and also stay away from him most of the time and do not interrupt him during his work. The important thing is that do not piss him off or even judge him."

"O-oh yes. I-I understand. "

I saw Lisa tuned soft.

"Please don't be afraid I was just warning you."

"I know. Thank you for that."

She smiled at me and said "Look Jisoo's over there let's go and fill your form."

"Okay." Saying that I followed her.

We came towards Jisoo and Lisa called her.

"We're here. Just finish it as soon as possible."

Jisoo giggled "Of course."

Then she turned towards me and asked me "Are you ready Y/n? It's not that hard but I'll guide you."

"Excuse me!" Lisa interrupted "it's we'll guide you."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "I understand. So are you ready?"

"Yes Jisoo. I'm so ready!"

Hope you enjoyed the story till now.

Loveallofyaa ❤️

Loveallofyaa ❤️

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